Dr. Comings Publications

1. Comings, D.E. and Rosenfeld, H. Idiopathic paroxysmal myoglobinuria. Ann. Int.Med. 50: 647-655, 1961.

2. Comings, D.E. Myxedema with Erb's limb girdle muscular dystrophy. Report of a case with a review of the muscular abnormalities or myxedema. Arch. Int. Med. 109: 724‑730, 1962.

3. Comings, D.E., Turbow, B.A., Callahan, O.H., and Waldstein, S.S. Obstructing aspergillus cast of the renal pelvis. Report of a case in a patient having diabetes mellitus and Addison’s disease. Arch. Int. ,Med. 110: 250‑261, I962.

4. Comings, D.E. Anisotrophic lipids and urinary cholesterol excretion. J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 183: 126‑131, I963.

5. Comings, D.E. The sphere of influence of the beta thalassemia mutation. Blood 22: 234, 1963.

6. Comings, D.E. A third γ‑globulin chain? Lancet 2: 786, l963.

7. Goodman, R.M., Comings, D.E. and Steigman, F. Comparison of meralluride with a new oral diuretic. III. Med. J. 43‑49, July l963.

8. Comings, D.E., Goodman, R.M. and Steigman, F. Bendroflumethiaziae in the treatment of cardiac edema and hypertension. Amer.J. Geriatric Soc. 12: 161‑169, l964.

9. Comings, D.E., Fayen, A.W., and Carter, P. Myloblastoma preceding blood and marrow evidence of acute leukemia. Cancer 18: 253‑258, 1965.

10. Comings, D.E. Congenital hypogammaglobulinemia. Arch. Int. Med. 115: 79‑87, 1965

11. Comings, D.E. The Kleeblattachadel syndrome ‑ A grotesque form of hydrocephalus. J. Peds. 67: l26‑129, 1965.

12. Comings, D.E. Symphalangism and 4th digit hypophalangism. Arch. Int. Med. 115: 580‑583, 1965.

13. Comings, D.E. and Odland, G.F. Electron microscopic study of partial albinism (Abstract). Clin. Res. 13: 26S, 1965. Presented at the American Federation for Clinical Research Meetings, April 1965.

14. Comings, D.E. Hyperlysinemia (Correspondence). Amer. J. Dis. Child. 109: 261, 1965.

15. Comings, D.E. and Comings, S.N. Hereditary localized pruritis. Arch. Dermatol. 92: 236‑237, 1965.

16. Comings, D.E. H3‑Uridine autoradiography or human chromosomes. Presented at the American Society of Human Genetics Meetings, August 1960. Cytogenetics : 247‑260, 1966.

17. Comings, D.E. and Odland, G.F. Partlal albinism. J. Amer. Pled. Assoc. 195: 519-523, 1966.

18. Comings, D.E. Incorporation of tritium of 3H-5-uridine into DNA. Exp. Cel1 Res. 41: 677‑681,

19. Comings, D.E. and Motulsky, A.G. Suppression of both beta and delta chain synthesis in F‑thalassemia. Clin. Res. 14: 160, 1966. Presented at the Western Society for Clinical Research Meetings, February 1966.

20. Comings, D.E. Sex chromatin and the cell cycle (Abstract). Clin. Res. 14: 309, 1966. Presented at the American Federation for Clinical Research Meetings, April 1966.

21. Comings, D.E. Uridine‑5‑H3 radioautography or the human sex chromatin
body. J. Cell Biol. 28: 437‑441, l966.

22. Comings, D.E. Replication of the sex chromatin body. Presented at the Third International Congress of Human Genetics, September 1966.

23. Comings, D E. and Motulsky, A.G. Absence of cis-delta chain synthesis in (δβ) thalassemia (F‑thalassemia ) Blood 28: 54‑69, 1966.

24. Comings, D.E. Single amino‑acid substitutions as a result of unequal crossing over. Nature 212: 545‑546, 1966.

25. Comings, D.E. The inactive X chromosome. Lancet 2: 1137‑1138, l966.

26. Comings, D.E., Beutler, E., and Teplitz, R. Genes, Chromosomes and Human Disease. Res. Medicus, Med. Education Television, Channel 28, October 1966.

27. Comings, D.E. Centromere: Absence of DNA replication during chromatid separation in human fibroblasts. Science 154: 1463‑1464, 1966.

28. Comings, D.E. Lymphocyte transformation in response to phytohemagglutinin during and following a pregnancy. Amer. J. Obst. Gyn. 37: 213‑217, 1967.

29. Comings, D.E. The duration of replication of the inactive X chromosome in humans based on the persistence of the heterochromatic sex chromatin body during DNA synthesis. Cytogenetics 6: 20‑37, l967.

30. Comings, D.E. Sex chromatin, nuclear size and the ce11 cycle. Cytogenetics 6: 120‑144, 1967.

31. Comings, D.E. Histones of metaphase and interphase cells. Clin. Res. 15: 267, 1967.

32. Comings, D.E., Skubi, K.B., Van Eyes, J., and Motulsky, A.G. Familial multi‑focal fibrosclerosis: Findings suggesting that retroperitoneal fibrosis, mediastinal fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, Riedel's thyroiditis, and pseudo‑tumor of the orbit may be different manifestations of a single disease. Ann. Int. Med. 66: 884‑892, 1967. Presented at the Third International Congress of Human Generics, September, 1966.

33. Comings, D.E. Histones and heterchromatin. Amer. Soc. Hum. Genet. Presented in Toronto, Canada, December, 1967.

34. Comings, D.E. RNA synthesis and the position of the sex chromatin body. Mammalian Chromosome Newsletter 8: l93, 1967.

35. Comings, D.E. Histones of genetically active and Inactive chromatin. J. Cell Biol. 35: 639‑708, 1967.

36. Comings, D.E. Modern Molecular Genetics. Res. Medicus Medical Education Television, Channel 28, October 24, 1967.

37. Comings, D.E., Papazian, C., and Schoene, H.R. Conradi's disease (chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita, congenital stippled epiphyses). J. Peds. 72: 63‑69, 1968.

38. Comings, D.E. and Glenchur, H. Benign symmetrical lipomatosis. J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 203: 305, 1968.

39. Comings, D.E. and Kakefuda, T. Initiation of DNA replication at the nuclear membrane in human cells. J. Mol. Biol. 33: 225‑229, 1968.

40. Comings, D.E. Cancer and dermatoglyphics. Lancet 1: 142S, l968 (in Letters to the Editor section).

41. Comings, D.E. The rationale for an ordered arrangement of chromatin in the interphase nucleus. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 20: 440‑460, 1968.

42. Comings, D.E. Initiation of DNA synthesis in human cells. Presented at the Twelfth International
Congress of Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, August 1968.

43. Comings, D.E. and Berger, R.O. Gene products of amphiuma: An amphibian with an excessive amount of DNA. Biochem. Genet. 2: 319‑333, 1969.

44. Comings, D.E. Incorporation of tritium of H3‑arginine into DNA as the explanation of "late synthesis of protein" on the human X chromosome. Nature 221: 570, l969.

45. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Electron microscopy of well dispersed human chromosomes. Biophys. J. 9: Al9, 1969. Presented at the Biophysical Society Meetings, Los Angeles, February 1969.

46. Comings, D.E. and Mattoccia, E. Does constitutive heterochromatin have a unique DNA base sequence? Clin. Res. 17: 149, 1969.

47. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Electron microscopy of well dispersed mammalian and avian chromosomes ‑ A single DNA helix per chromatid model. J. Cell Biol. 43: 25A, 1969. Presented at the American Society of Cell Biology Meetings, October, 1969.

48. Comings, D.E. and Mattoccia, E. Repetitious DNA and the S period. J. Cell Biol. 43: 25A, 1969. Presented at the American Society of Cell Biology Meeting, October, 1969.

49. Comings, D.E. The‑hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias. In Genetic Disorders of Man, R.M. Goodman (ed.), Little, Brown and Company, Boston, pp. 143-198, 1970.

50. Comings, D.E. Chromosome replication. In The Bios Program, Harper and Row, New York, 1970.

51. Comings, D.E. The distribution of sister chromatids at mitosis in Chinese hamster cells. Chromosoma 29: 428‑433, 1970.

52. Comings, D.E. Quantitative autoradiography of heterochromatin replication in Microtus agresti. Chromosoma 29: 434‑445, I970.

53. Comings, D.E. and Mattoccia, E. Studies of microchromosomes and a GC‑rich DNA satellite in the quail. Chromosoma 30: 202‑214, 1970.

54. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Whole mount electron microscopy of meiotic chromosomes and the synaptonemal complex. Chromosoma 30: 269‑286, 1970.

55. Comings, D.E. and Mattoccia, E. Replicatlon of repetitious DNA and the S period. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 67: 448‑455, 1970.

56. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Whole mount electron microscopy of human meiotic chromosomes. Exp. Cell Res. 65: 88‑103, l971.

57. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. A mechanism or chromosome pairing during meiosis. Nature 227: 451‑456, 1970.

58. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Electron microscopy of human , fibroblasts in tissue culture during logarithmic and confluent stages of growth. Exp. Cell Res. 61: 295‑301, 1970.

59. Comings, D.E. and Delgado, J.M. Clinodactyly of the index and little fingers ‑ An isolated deformity simulating the hand deformity of trisomy‑18. J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 213: 1192, 1970.

60. Comings, D.E. and Okada, A. The association of chromatin fibers with the annuli or the nucIear membrane. Exp.‑Cell Res. 62: 293‑302, l970.

61. Comings, D.E. and Okada, A. Whole mount electron microscopy of the centromere region of metacentric and telocentric mammalian chromosomes. Cytogenetics 9: 436‑449, 1970.

62. Comings, D.E. and Okada, A. Do half‑chromatids exist? Cytogenetics 9: 450‑459, 1970.

63. Comings, D.E. and Okada, A. The association of nuclear membrane fragments with metaphase and anaphase chromosomes as observed by whole mount electron microscopy. Exp. Cell Res. 63: 62‑68, 1970.

64. Comings, D.E. Half‑chromatid aberrations and chromosome strandedness. Canadian J. Genet. Cytol. 12: 960‑964, l970.

65. Okada, T.A. and Comings, D.E. Whole mount electron microscopy or chicken microchromosomes. J. Cell Biol. 47: 150a, 1970. Presented at the Twenty-eighth Annual Proceedings of the E.M.S.A., 1970.

66. Comings, D.E. and Hattoccia, E. Buoyant density and satellite composition of DNA isolated from nuclear subfractions. J. Cell Biol. 47: 38a, 1970. Presented at the American Society of Human Genetics Meetings, October 1970; and the American Society for Cell Biology Meetings, November 1970.

67. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Stereo‑electron microscopy of whole mount preparations of the synaptonemal complex. J. Cell Biol. 47: 38a, 1970. Presented at the American Society for Cell Biology Meetings, November 1970.

68. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Condensation or chromosomes onto the nuclear membrane during prophase. Exp. Cell Res. 63: 471‑473, 1970.

69. Beutler, E., Krill, A., Comings, D.E., and Trinidad, F. Galactokinase deficiency: An important cause of familial cataracts in children and young adults. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 76: 1006, 1970. (Abstract).

70. Comings, D.E. (Book Review) Replication and recombination of genetic material, Peacock and Brock (eds.), Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia, 1968; and reprinted in J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 29: 234‑236, 1970.

71. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Whole mount electron microscopy of human meiotic chromosomes. Exp. Cell Res. 65: 99‑l03, 1971.

72. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Fine structure of the synaptonemal complex. Regular and stereo‑electron microscopy of deoxyribonuclease‑treated whole mount preparations. Exp. Cell Res. 65: 104‑116, 1971.

73. Comings, D. E. Isolabeling and chromosome strandedness. Nature New Blol. 22a: 24‑25, 1971.

74. Mattoccia, E. and Comings, D..E. The buoyant density and satellite composition of mouse heterochromatin. Nature New Biol. 229: 175‑176, 1971.

75. Comings, D. E. and Okada, T.A. Fine structure of the kinetochore in Indian Muntjac. Exp. Cell Res. 67: 97‑ll0, 1971.

76. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Triple pairing in triploid chickens. Nature 231: 119‑121, 1971.

77. Comings, D.E. and Vance, C.K. Thermal denaturation of DNA and chromatin or early and late passage human fibroblasts. Gerontologia 17: 116‑121, l971.

78. Comings, D.E. Heterochromatin of the Indian Muntjac, replication, condensation, DNA ultracentrifugation, fluorescent and heterochromatin staining. Exp. Cel1 Res. 67: 441‑460, 1971.

79. Burkholder, S.D., Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. A storage form of ribosomes in mouse oocytes. Exp. Cell Res. 69: 361‑371, 1971.

80. Comings, D.E. and Riggs, A.D. Molecular mechanisms of chromosome pairing, folding and function. Nature 233: 48‑50, 1971.

81. Comings, D. and Okada, T.A. Chromosame structure (Abstract). Presented at the Twenty‑ninth Annual Proceedings or E.M.S.A., Boston, Massachusetts, 1971, and published in the Proceedings of the 29th Annual E.M.S.A., C.J. Arceneaux (ed.), 1971.

82. Comings, D.E. Base composition and methylation of euchromatic and heterochromatic DNA. Fourth International Congress of Human Genetics, Paris, France, September 1971, and the American Society of Cell Biology Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 1971.

83. Comings, D. and Okada, T.A. The chromatoid body in mouse spermatogenesis: Evidence that it may be formed by the‑extrusion of nucleolar components. J. Ultrastruc. Res. 39: l5‑23, l972.

84. Comings, D.E. and Mattoccia, E. Evidence that heavy shoulder DNA may be localized to the microchromosomes of birds. Exp. Cell Res. 70: 256‑259, 1972.

85. Comings, D.E. Heavy shoulder DNA. Exp. Cell Res. 70: 259‑263, l972.

86. Comings, D.E.. and Mattoccia, E. DNA of mammalian and avian heterochromatin. Exp. Cell Res. 71: 113‑131, 1972.

87. Comings, D.E. Thalassemia. In Princioles of Hematolony, W.J. Williams (ed.), McDraw‑Hill, New York, pp. 328‑350, 1972.

88. Comings, D.E. Sickle cell anemia and related disorders. In Principles of Hematology, W.J. Williams (ed.), McGraw‑Hill, New York, pp. 413‑434, 1972.

89. Comings, D.E. Hemoglobinopathies associated with cyanosis. In Principles of Hematology, W..J. Williams (ed.), McGraw‑Hill, New York, pp. 434 440, 1972.

90. Comings, D.E. Hemoalobinopathies associated with unstable hemoglobin. In Principles of Hematology, W.J. Williams (ed.), McGraw‑Hill, New York, pp. 440‑447, 1972.

91. Comings, D.E. Hemoglobinopathies associated with polycythemia. In Principles of Hematology, W.J. Williams (ed.), McGraw‑Hill, pp. 447‑450, 1972.

92. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Electron microscopy of chromosomes. In Perspectives in Cytogenetics, S.W. Wright, B.F. Crandall and L. Boyer (eds.) Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, pp. 223‑250, 1972.

93. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Architecture of meiotic cells and mechanisms of chromosome pairing. In Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology, E. DuPraw (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 2: 309‑384, 1972.

94. Comings, D.E. Structure and function of chromatin. In Advances in Human Genetics, H. Harris and K. Hirschhorn (eds.), Academic Press, New York, 3: 237‑431, 1072.

95. Comings, D.E. and Avelino, E. DNA loss during Robertsonian infusion in studies of the tobacco mouse. Nature New Biol. 237: 199, l972.

96. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Holocentric chromosomes in Oncopeltus: Kinetochores present in mitosis, absent in meiosis. Chromosoma 07: 177‑192, 1972.

97. Comings, D.E. Biochemical correlates of chromosome staining (Abstract). Somatic Cell Genetics Conference, Snowmass, Colorado, January, l972.

98. Comings, D.E. Methylation of euchromatic and heterochromatic DNA. Exp. Cel1 Res. 74: 383‑390, 1972.

99. Comings, D.E. Evidence for ancient tetrapoloidy and linkage retention in mammalian chromosomes. Nature 238: 455‑457, l972.

100. Comings, D.E. and Tack, L.O. Similarities in the cytoplasmic proteins of different organs and species examined by SOS gel electrophoresis. Exp. Cell Res. 75: 73‑78, l972.

101. Burkholder, G.D. and Comings, D.E. Do the Giemsa‑banding patterns of chromosomes change during embryonic development? Exp. Cell Res. 75: 268‑271, 1972.

102. 8urkholder, G.D., Okada, T.A., and Cominos, D. Whole mount electron microscopy of metaphase I chromosomes and microtubules from mouse oocytes. Exp. Cell Res. 75: 497‑5ll, 1972.

103. Comings, D.E., Avelino, E., Okada, T.A., and Wyandt, H.E. The mechanism of C‑ and G‑banding of chromosomes. Exp. Cell Res. 77: 469‑493, l973.

104. Comings, D.E., Avelino, E., and Becak, W. Heavy shoulder DNA in snakes. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 12: 2‑7, l973.

105. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. DNA replication and the nuclear membrane. J. Mol. Biol. 75: 609‑618, 1973.

106. Comings, D.E. Biochemical mechanisms of chromosome banding and color banding with acridine orange. Nobel Symposium 23, Chromosome Identification Techniques and Applications in Biology and Medicine, T. Caspersson and L. Zech (eds.), Academic Press, ,New York, pp. 293‑299, l973.

107. Vaughan, S.T. and Comings, D..E. Cytoplasmic DNA binding proteins. Exp. Cell Res. 80: 265‑274, 1973.

108. Comings, D.E. and Tack, L.O. Non‑histone proteins. The effect of nuclear washes and comparison of metaphase and interphase chromatin. Exp. Cell Res. 82: 175‑191, 1973.

109. Comings, D.E. A general theory of carcinogenesis . Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70: 3324‑3328, 1973.

110. Comings, D.E. A model for the evolutionary origin or chromosome bands. Nature New Biol. 244: 576-577, 1973.

111. Comings, D.E., Avelino, E., Harris, D.C., Kovacs, B.W., and Tack, L.O. Proteins and chromosome banding (Abstract). J. Cell Biol. 59: 51a, 1973.

112. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Some aspects of chromosome structure in eukaryotes. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 38: 145‑153, 1974.

113. Comings, D.E. The structure of human chromosomes. In The Nucleus, H. Busch (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1: 537‑563, 1974.

114. Comings, D.E. What is a chromosome break? In Chromosomes and Cancer, J. German (ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 95‑133, la74.

115. Comings, D.E. The role or heterochromatin. In Birth Defects, A. G. Motulsky and W. Lenz (eds.), Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp. 44‑52, 1974.

116. Comings, D.E. and Amromin, G.D. Autosomal dominant insensitivity to pain with hyperplastic myelinopathy and autosomal dominant indifference to pain. Neuro1ogy 24: 838‑848, l974.

117. Comings, D.E. and Avelino, E. Mechanisms or chromosome banding. II. Evidence that histones are not involved. Exp. Cell Res. 86: 202‑206, 1974.

118. Okada, T.A. and Comings, D.E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. III. Similarity between G‑bands of mitotic chromosomes and chromomeres of meiotic chromosomes. Chromosoma 48: 65‑71, 1974.

119. Comings, D.E. Structure of mammalian chromosomes. In Physiologv and Genetics of Reproduction, E.M. Coutinho and F. Fuchs (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, 4A: l9‑27, 1974.

120. Comings, D.E., Kovacs, B.W., Avelino, E., and Harris, D.C. Mechanisms of Q‑banding (Abstract). J. Cell Biol. 63: 68a, 1974.

121. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Is the nuclear membrane involved in DNA replication? In Mechanism and Regulation or DNA Replication, A.R. Kolber and M. Kohiyama (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 321‑326, l974.

122. Comings, D.E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. IV. Optical properties of the Giemsa dyes. Chromosoma 50: 89‑110, l975.
123. Comings, D.E., Kovacs, B.W., Avelino, E., and Harris, D.C. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. V. Quinacrine banding. Chromosoma 50: 111‑145, 1975.

124. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. VI. Whole mount electron microscopv or banded metaphasa chromosomes and a comparison with pachytene chromosomes. Exp. Cell Res. 93: 267‑274, l975.

125. Comings, D.E. and Avelino, E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. VII. Interaction of methylene blue with DNA and chromatin. Chromosoma 50: 365‑379, 1975.

126. Comings, D.E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. VIII. Hoechst 33258-DNA interaction. Chromosoma 52:229-243, 1975 .

127. Conner, B.J., Harris, D.C., and Comings, D.E. Superiority of lyophilization over sodium dodecy1 sulfate (SDS) in the preservation of chromatin for electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem. 67: 655-660, 1975.

128. Comings, D.E. Chromosome banding. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 23:461‑462,1975.

129. Comings, D.E. Implications of somatic recombination and sister chromatid exchange in Bloom's
syndrome and cells treated with mitomycin C. Humangenetik 28: 191‑l96, 1975.

130. Beutler, E., Kuhl, W., and Comings, D.E. Hexosaminidase isozyme in Type O Gm2 gangliosidosis (Sandhoff-Jatzkewitz disease). Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 27: 628‑638, 1975.

131. Comings, D.E. and Harris, D.C. Nuclear proteins. I. Electrophoretic comparison of mouse nucleoli, heterochromatin, euchromatin and contractile proteins‑. Exp. Cell Res. 96: 161‑179, 1975.

132. Holmquist, G.P. and Comings, D.E. Sister chromatid exchange and chromosome organization based on a bromodeoxyuridine Giemsa‑C‑banding technique (TC‑banding). Chromosoma 52: 245‑259, 1975.

133. Goetz, I., Roberts, E., and Comings, D.E. Fibroblasts in Huntington's disease. New Eng. J. Med. 293: 1225‑1227, l975.

134. Comings, D.E. and Wyandt, H.E. Reverse banding of Japanese quail microchromosomes. Exp. Cell Res. 99: 83‑185, l 976.

135. Comings, D.E. Chromosome organization. In Aspects of Genetics in Paediatrics, D. Barltrop (ed.), Postgraduate Med. J. 52: 17‑22, 1976.

136. Comings, D.E. and Drets, M.E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. IX. Are variations in DNA base composition adequate to account for quinacrine, Hoechst 33258 and daunomycin banding? Chromosoma 56: l99‑211, 1976.

137. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Fine structure of the heterochromatin of the kangaroo rat, Dipidomvs ordii, and examination of the possible role of actin and myosin in heterochromatin condensation. J. Cell Sci. 21: 465‑477, l976.

138. Comings, D. E. and Harris, D.C. Nuclear proteins. II. Similarity of nuclear sap and chromatin non‑histone proteins and essential absence of contractile proteins from mouse liver nuclei. J. Cell Biol. 70: 440‑452, l976.

139. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Nuclear prateins. III. The fibrillar Nature of the nuclear matrix. .
Exp. Cell Res. 103: 341‑360, 1976.

140. Holmquist, G.P. and Comings, D.E. Histones and G‑banding of chromosomes. Science 193: 599‑602, 1976.

141. Roberts, E., Goetz, I. and Comings, D.E. A note on experimental approaches to Huntington's disease. In The Basal Ganglia, M.D. Yahr (ed.), Raven Press, New York, pp. 331‑336, 1976.

142. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. The fibrillar Nature of the nuclear matrix (Abstract). Presented at the First International Congress of Cell Biology, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1976, and the Fifth International Congress of Human Genetics, Mexico City, Mexico, October 1976.

143. Conner, B.J. and Comings, D.E. Histone‑binding proteins (Abstract). Presented at the First International Congress of Cell Biology, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1976.

144. Comings, D.E., Harris, O.C., Okada, T.A., and Holmquist, G. Nuclear proteins. IV. Deficiency of non‑histone proteins in condensed chromatin of Drosophila virilis and mouse. Exp. Cell Res. 105: 349‑365, 1977.

145. Lin, M.S., Comings, D.E. and Alfi, O.S. Optical studies of the interaction of 4'‑6‑diamidino‑2‑phenylindole with DNA and metaphase chromosomes. Chromosoma 60: 15‑25, 1977.

146. Comings, D.E. Undiscovered Chromosomal proteins. In Chromosomes: From Simple to Complex. Proceedings of the Thirty‑fifth Annual Biology Colloquium, Oregon State University Press, pp. 37‑42, 1977.

147. Comings, D.E. Chromosome banding and Chromosomal proteins. In ICN‑UCLA Symposium on Molecular Human Cytogenetics, Keystone, Colorado, March 1977.

148. Comings, D.E. When should you consider amniocentesis? Resident and Staff Physician 23: 52‑61, 1977.

149. Ruoslahti, E., Engvall, E., Jalanko, H., and Comings, D.E. Antigenic differences in nuclear proteins of normal 1iver and hepatoma. J. Exp. Med. 146: 1054‑1067, 1977.

150. Comings, D.E. Mammalian chromosome structure. In Chromosomes Today, A. de‑la Chapell and M. Sousa (eds.), Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 6: 19‑26, 1977.

151. Lehmann, H., Huntsman, R.S., Casey, R., Lang, A., Lorkin, P.A., and Comings, D.E. Erythrocyte disorders ‑ anemias related to abnormal globin. In Hematology, second edition, W.J. Williams, E. Beutler, A.J. Erslev, and R.W. Rundles (eds.), McGraw‑Hill, New York, chapter 55, pp. 495‑524, 1977.

152. Stack, S.M. and Comings, D.E. Characterization of the DNA and chromosomes of Allium cepa. J. Cell Biol. 75: 136a, 1977.

153. Lesser, B.H. and Comings, D.E. Specific interaction between mouse liver nonhistone proteins and mouse DNA. J. Cell Biol. 75: 123a, 1977.

154. Sparkes, R.S., Comings, D.E., and Fox, C.F. (eds.) Molecular Human Cytogenetics, ICN‑UCLA Symposia, vol. VII, 479, 1977.

155. Conner, B.J. and Comings, D.E. Studies of histone‑binding proteins by affinity chromatography. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 532: 122 136, 1978.

156. Comings, D.E. Methods and mechanisms of chromosome banding. In Methods in Cell Biology Chromatin and Chromosomal Protein Research, Academic Press, New York, 17: 115‑132, 1978.

157. Comings, D.E. Compartmentalization of nuclear and chromatin proteins. In The Cell Nucleus, H. Busch (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 4: 345‑371, 1978.

158. Lesser, B.H. and Comings, D.E. Specific interaction between mouse liver nonhistone Chromosomal proteins and mouse DNA demonstrated by a sequential DNA‑protein filter binding assay. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 521: 117‑125, 1 978.

159. Comings, D.E. and Wallach, A.S. DNA binding properties of nuclear matrix proteins. J. Cell Sci. 34: 233‑246, 1978.

160. Drets, M.E., Folle, G.A. and Comings, D.E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding. X. Chromosome and nuclear changes induced by photo‑oxidation and their relation to R‑banding by anti‑C antibodies. Chromosoma 69: 101‑112, 1978.

161. Comings, D. E. Mechanisms of chromosome banding and their implication for chromosome structure. Ann. Rev. Genet. 12: 25‑46, 1978.

162. Comings, D.E., Limon, J., Ledochowski, A., and Tsou, K.C. Mechanisms or chromosome banding. XI. The ability of various acridine derivatives to cause Q‑banding. Exp. Cell Res. 117: 451‑455, 1978.

163. Comings, D.E., Hd, Duarte and Hd ,S. Mutant alleles in Huntington's chorea and schizophrenia? (Abstract). Clin. Res., 1978.

164. Comings, D.E., Pcl‑Duarte: A common polymorphism or a human brain specific protein with increased frequency in multiple sclerosis. (Abstract) American Society for Human Genetics Meetings, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 1978.

165. Stack, S. M. and Comings, D.E. The chromosome and DNA of Allium cepa. (Abstract) J. Cell Biol. 79: l06a, 1978. Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology.

166. Stack, S.M. and Comings, D.E. The chromosomes and DNA of Allium cepa. Chromosoma 70: 161‑181, 1979.

167. Comings, D.E. Pcl‑Duarte: A common polymorphism of a human brain protein, its relationship to depressive disease and multiple sclerosis. Nature 277: 29‑32, 1979.

168. Comings, D.E. and Cohen, L.W. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of 125 I-labeled surface proteins of human ,fibroblasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598: 61‑67, 1974.

169. Okada, T.A. and Comings, D.E. Higher order structure of chromosomes. Chromosoma 72: 1‑14, 1979.

170. Goetz, I., Roberts, E., Warren, J. and Comings, D.E. Growth of Huntington's disease fibroblasts during their in vitro lifespan. Advances in Neurology 23: 351‑359, I979.

171. Comings, D.E. A search for the mutant protein in Huntington disease and schizophrenia. In Second International Symposium on Huntington's Disease. T. Chase, N. Wexler, and A. Barbeau (eds.), Advances in Neurology 23: 335‑349, 1979 .

172. Comings, D.E. and Peters, K.E. Triple‑spot proteins in two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 31: 311‑314, 1979.

173. Rouslahti, E. Pekkala, A., Comings, D.E., and Seppala, M. Determination of subfractions of amniotic fluid alpha‑fetoprotein in diagnosing spina bifida and congenital nephorsis. Brit. Med. J. 2: 768‑769, 1979.

174. Comings, D.E. Powerful new tools in human genetics. (Editorial) Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 31: 647‑648, l979.

175. Peters, K.E. and Comings, D.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of nuclear sap, nuclear matrix, nuclear membrane, nuclear matrix and HnPNP proteins. J. Cell Biol. 83: 158a, 1979.

176. Conner, D.J. and Comings, D.E. Isolation and characterization of a histone‑binding protein (HMG1) from mouse liver by hydrophobic affinity chromatography. J. Cell Biol. 83: 156a, 1979.

177. Comings, D.E. and Okada, T.A. Chromosome scaffolding structure ‑ Real or artifact? J. Cell Biol. 83: 150a, 1979.

178. Comings, D.E. Arrangement of chromatin in the nucleus. (Review Article) Hum. Genet. 53: 131‑143, 1980.
179. Comings, D.E., LeFever, L.C., Ben‑Yoseph, Y., and Nadler, H.L. Normal two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of α-2-macroglobulin in cystic fibrosis. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 32: 273‑275, l980..

180. Peters, K.E. and Cominas, D.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophorests of rat liver nuclear washes, nuclear matrix, and HnRNA proteins. J. Cell Biol. 86: 135‑15‑, 1980.

181. Okada, T.A. and Comings, D.E. A search for protein cores: Evidence the scaffold is an artifact. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 32: 814‑832, 1980.

182. Comings, D.E., Peters, K.E., Okada, T.A. and Muhleman, D. Non‑histone proteins of chromosomes and the nucleus. European J. Cell Biol. 22:113, l980. Presented at the Second International Congress of Cell Biology, West Berlin, August, l980.

183. Comings, D.E. Pcl‑Duarte - A polvmorphism assoclated with depression. In. Genetic Strategies in Psvchobiologv and Psychiatry, E.S. Gershorn and S. Matthysee (eds.), Boxwood Press, pp. 59-64, 1981.

184. Comings, D.E. Application of two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis, recombinant DNA and tissue culture techniques to the major psychoses. In Genetic Strategies In Psychobiology and Psychiatry, E.S. Gershorn and S. Matthysee (eds.), Boxwood Press, pp. 389-393, 1981.

185. Comings, D.E., Pekkala, A., Schuh, J.R., Kuo, P.C., Chan, S.I. Huntington disease and Tourette syndrome. I. Electron spin resonance or red blood cell ghosts. Amer. J. Human Genet. 33: 166‑174, 1981.

186. Comings, D.E., Geotz, I.E., Holden, J. and Holtz, J. Huntington disease and Tourette syndrome. II. Uptake of glutamic acid and other amino acids by fibroblasts. Amer. J. Hum. Genet.. 33: 175‑186, l981.

187. Comings, D.E. The ups and downs of Huntington disease research (Editorial) Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 33: 314‑315, l981.

188. Conner, B.J. and Comings, D.E. Isolation of a non‑histone Chromosomal high mobility group protein from mouse liver nuclei by hydrophobic chromatography. J. Biol. Chem. 256: 3283‑329l, l981.

189. Comings, D.E. and Peters, K.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of nuclear particles. In The Cell Nucleus, H. Busch (ed ), Academic Press, vol. IX, 89‑118, 1981.

190. Ruoslahti, E., Jalanko, H., Comings, D.E., Neville, A.M. and Raghaven, D. Fibronectin from human germ cell tumors resembles amniotic fluid fibronectin. Int. J. Cancer 27: 763, 1981.

l91. Comings, D.E. and Gursey, B.T. Behavior‑problems in Tourette syndrome. Are they secondary to the disease of stereotyped behaviors? (Abstract) First International Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Symposium, New York, May, 1981.

192. Comings, D.E. Additional Charge isomer of glial fibrillary acidic protein in autosomal dominant familial fetal Parkinsonism with mental depression. Amer. J. Human Genet. 33: 37A, 1981.

193. Comings, D.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of human brain proteins I. Technique and nomenclature. Clin. Chem. 28: 782‑789, 1982.

194. Comings, D.E., Carraway, N. and Pekkala‑Flagan, A. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of human brain proteins. II. Specific proteins and brain sub‑fractions. Clin. Chem. 28: 79O‑797, 1982.

195. Comings, D.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis or human brain proteins. III. Genetic and non‑genetic variations in 145 brains. Clin. Chem. 28: 798‑804, 1982.

196. Comings, D.E. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of human brain proteins. IV. Disorders or glial proliferation. Clin. Chem. 28: 805-812, 1982.

197. Comings, D.E. and Pekkala‑Flagan, A. Two‑dimensional gel electrophoresis of human brain proteins. V. Non‑equilibrium gel electrophoresis, with detection of a myelin basic protein mutation ‑ MBL‑Duarte. Clin. Chem. 28: 813‑818, 1982.

198. Comings, D.E., Gursey, B.T., Avelino, E., Hopp, U. and Hanin, I. Red blood cell choline in Tourette syndrome. In Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Raven Press, Advances in Neurology 35: 255‑258, 1982.

199. Comings, D.E., Gursey, B.T., Hecht, T. and Blum, K. HLA typing in Tourette syndrome In Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Proceedings or the First International Symposium, Raven Press, Advances in Neurology 35: 251‑253, 1982.

200. Comings, D.E. and Gursey, B.G. Familial exhibitionism in Tourette syndrome successfully treated with Haloperidol. Amer. J. Psychiatry 139: 913‑915, 1982.

201. Pekkala‑Flagan, A. and Comings, D.E. Substitution of polybuffer far ampholytes in isoelectric focusing. Anal. Biochem. 122: 295‑297, l982.

202. Comings, D.E. Research prospectives in cytogenetics. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 34: 157‑162, 1982.

203. Peters, K.E., Okada, T.A. and Camings, D.E. Chinese hamster nuclear proteins. An electrophoretic analysis of interphase, metaphase and nuclear matrix preparations. European J. Biochem. 129: 221‑232, 1982.

204. Comings, D.E. Apple DIS and Autoprompt DIS. In Computers in Psychiatry/Psychology, M.D. Schwartz (ed.), The Haworth Press, New York, l983.

205. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Tourette syndrome and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity ‑ Are they genetically related? J. Amer. Acad. Child. Psychiatry 23: 138‑l46, 1984.

206. Comings, D.E., Comings, B.G., Devor, E.J. and Cloninger, C.R. Detection of a major gene for Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 36: 586‑600, l984.

207. Comings, D.E., Muhleman, D., and Sarinana, F. Individual quantitation of messenger RNA. (Abstract) Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 36: 134A, 1984.

208. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Tourette syndrome. C1inical and psychological aspects of 250 cases. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 37: 435‑450, 1985.

209. Comings, D.E. How do you find a gene when you don’t know what it does? (Abstract) Genetics Society of Canada Bulletin 16: 52, 1985.

210. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Evidence for an X‑linked modifier gene affecting the expression of Tourette syndrome. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, Salt Lake, 1985.

211. Comings, D.E. Genetics of Rett syndrome. The consequences of a disorder where every case is a new mutation. Am. J. Med. Genet. 24: 383‑388, 1986.

212. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Evidence for an X‑linked modifier gene affecting the expression of Tourette syndrome and its relevance to the increased frequency of speech, cognitive and behavioral disorders in males. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 83: 2551-2555, 1986.

213. Comings, D.E., Comings, B.G., Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., Okada, T.A., Sarinana, F., Simmer, R., Sparkes, R., Crist, M. and Stock, D. Linkage studies in Tourette syndrome. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, Philadelphia, 1986. Amer. J. Hum; Genet. 39:A151, 1986.

214. Comings, D.E., Comings, B.G., Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., Okada, T.A., Sarinana, F., Simmer, R., Stock, D. Evidence the Tourette syndrome gene is at 18~22.1. (Abstract) Seventh International Congress of ffuman Genetics, West Berlin, 1986.

215. Comings, D.E. and Comings, 8.G. Hereditary agoraphobia and ‑ ~ oosessive‑compulsive behavior in relatives of patients with Tourette syndrome. Brit. J. Psychiatry 151: 195‑199, l087.

216. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. I. Attention deficit disorder, learning disorders, and school problems. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 41: 701‑741, 1987.

217. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. II. Conduct. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 41: 742‑760, 1987.

218. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. A controlled study of ~ourette syndrome. III. Phobias and panic attacks. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 41: 761‑781, 1987.

219. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. IV. Obsessions, compulsions, and schizoid behaviors. Amer. J. Hum Genet. 41: 782‑803, 1987.

220. Comings, B.G. and Comings, D.E. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. V. Depression and mania. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 41: 804‑321, 1987.

221. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. A controlled studv of Tourette syndrome. VI. Earlv development, sleep problems, allergies and handedness. Amer. J. Hum. Genet. 41: 322‑838 1987.

222. Comings, D. E. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome. VII. Summary: a common genetic disorder causing disinhibition of the limbic system. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 41: 839-866, 1987.

223. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. Hereditary agoraphobia and obsessive-compulsive behaviour in relatives of patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome. Br.J.Psychiatry. 151: 195-199, 1987.

224. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. Attention deficit disorder and Tourette syndrome. Letter to the Editor. Arch.Gen.Psychiatry. 44: 1023-1025, 1987.

225. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. A controlled study of Tourette syndrome-Revisited. A reply to the letter of Pauls et al. Am.J.Hum.Genetics 43: 209-216, 1988.

226. Kovacs, B.W., Shahbahrami, B., Platt, L.D., and Comings, D.E. Molecular genetic prenatal determinations of twin zygosity.

227. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. The genetics of Tourette syndrome and its relationship to other psychiatric disorders. Wenner Gren Int. Symposium Series. In Genetics of Neuropsychiatric Diseases, L. Wetterberg (ed.), . MacMillan Press, London, pp.179-189, 1989.

228. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder and learning disorders: Clinical, genetic and biochemical interrelationships. (Abstract) ACLD Conference, 1989.

229. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G. Tourette's syndrome and attention deficit disorder. In Tourette's Syndrome and Tic Disorders: Clinical Understanding and Treatment. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 120-135, 1988.

230. Comings, D. E. The genetics of human behavior: Lessons for two societies. Presidential Address. American Society of human Genetics Meeting, New Orleans. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 44: 452-460, 1989.

231. Comings, D. E., Comings, B. G., Dietz, G., and Muhleman, D. Localization of human tryptophan oxygenase to 4q31:Possible relevance to alcoholism, depression and Tourette syndrome. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics, Am.J.Hum.Genet. 45: 35A, 1989.

232. Comings, D. E., Comings, B.G., and E. Knell. Hypothesis: Homozygosity in Tourette syndrome. Am.J.Med.Genet. 34: 413-421, 1989.

233. Comings, D. E., Comings, B. G., Muhleman, D., and Dietz, G.. Tourette syndrome, serotonin, tryptophan oxygenase, type II alcoholism and depression. (Abstract) 1st World Congress Psychiatric Genetics, 1989.

234. Comings, D. E., Dietz, G., and Muhleman, D. Localization of human tryptophan oxygenase to 4q31.1-4qter. (Abstract) Human Gene Mapping Conference. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics 51:979. 1989.

235. Donlon, T. A., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Comings, D. E., and Spak, D. K. Localization of human tryptophan oxygenase to 4q31-4q32 by in situ hybridization. (Abstract) Human gene Mapping Conference. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics 51, 992. 1989.

236. Knell, E. and Comings, D.E.,. Tourette syndrome (TS) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) in 337 first-degree relatives of TS probands. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics Meeting. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 45: 50A, 1989.

237. Kovacs, B. W., Shahbahrami, B. and Comings, D. E. Studies of human germinal mutations by DNA hybridization. Am.J.Obstet.Gynecol. 160: 798-804, 1989.

238. Comings, D. E. Blood serotonin and tryptophan in Tourette syndrome. Am.J.Med.Genet. 36: 418-430, 1990.

239. Comings, D. E. Tourette Syndrome and Human Behavior. Hope Press, Duarte, CA, 1990.

240. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. A controlled family history study of Tourette syndrome. I. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disorders and dyslexia. J.Clin.Psychiat. 51: 275-280, 1990.

241. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. A controlled family history study of Tourette syndrome. II. Alcoholism, drug abuse and obesity. J.Clin.Psychiat. 51: 281-287, 1990.

242. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G.,. A controlled family history study of Tourette syndrome. III. Other Psychiatric Disorders. J.Clin.Psychiat. 51: 288-291, 1990.

243. Comings, D. E., Comings, B. G., Tacket, T., and Li, S. The clonidine patch and behavioral problems. Letter to the Editor. J.Am.Acad.Child.Adolesc.Psychiatry. 29: 667-668, 1990.

244. Comings, D. E., Himes, J.A., and Comings, B. G. An epidemiological study of Tourette syndrome in a single school district. J.Clin.Psychiat. 51: 463-469, 1990.

245. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G. W.Donlon, T. Human tryptophan oxygenase localized to 4q31: Possible implications for human behavioral disorders. Genomics 17: 20-25, 1990.

246. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Shahbahrami, B., Tast, D., and Kovacs, B. W. The dopamine D2 receptor gene is a modifier of the expression of the Tourette syndrome (Gts) and ADHD gene. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, Cincinnati, 1990. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 46. 90, 1990.

247. Comings, D.E. Genetic studies of Tourette syndrome (Abstract). 13th CCNP Meeting, Banff, Canada, 1990.

248. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Autism evolving into Tourette Syndrome: A study of 14 cases. (Abstract). 1990.

249. Kovacs, B.W., Shahbahrami, B., and Comings, D.E. Quantitation and characterization of human germinal mutations at hypervariable loci. Banbury Report 34:351-362, 1990.

250. Comings, D. E. The genetics of addictive behaviors. The role of childhood behavioral disorders. Addiction & Recovery 11: 13-16, 1991.

251. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Clinical and genetic relationships between autism-PDD and Tourette syndrome: A study of 19 cases. Am.J.Med.Genet. 39: 180-191, 1991.

252. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Common genes for spectrum disorders: Implications for psychiatric genetics. (Abstract) Second World Congress on psychiatric Genetics, England, 1991. Psychiat.Genet. 2: 5-6, 1991.

253. Comings, D. E., Comings, B. G., Muhleman, D. , Dietz, G., Shahbahrami, B., Tast, D. , Knell, E., Kocsis, P.,Baumgarten, R., Kovacs, B. W., Levy, D. L., Smith, M., Borison, R. L., Evans, D.D., Klein, D. N., MacMurray, J., Tosk, J., Sverd, J., Gysin, R. and Flanagan, S. D. The dopamine D2 receptor locus as a modifying gene in neuropsychiatric disorders. J.Am.Med.Assn. 266: 1793-1800, 1991.

254. Comings, D.E. The future of behavioral genetics. (Abstract) Fourth SASHG Congress, South Africe, 1991.

255. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., and Forest, J. Molecular genetic studies of the tryptophan oxygenase gene. (Abstract) Second World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, England, 1991. Psychiat.Genet. 2: 70-71, 1991.

256. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. Common hereditary behavioral spectrum disorders. Implications for psyhiatric genetics. (Abstract) 38th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Child and adolescent Psychiatry, San Francisco, 1991.

257. Comings, D.E., Comings, B.G., and Himes, J.A. A reply to Shaktman, D: Tourette’s syndrome in the developmentally disabled. J. Clin. Psychiat. 252-279, 1991.

258. Coolbaugh, C.F., Comings, D.E. Lack of assocation of DRD2 gene and EEG measures of agression. (Abstract) Amer. J. Psychol., 1991.

259. MacMurray, J., Comings, D., and Flanagan, S. Racial and ethnic differences in DRD2 allele and haplotype frequencies. NIDA Technical Conference, “D2 Receptor Alleles in Substance Abuse: Have we Identified a Relevant Gene?” Baltimore, Maryland, September 19-20, 1991.

260. MacMurray, J., Comings, D., and Flanagan, S. A1 Allele: A modifying gene in neuropsychiatric disorders. NIDA Technical Conference, “D2 Receptor Alleles in Substance Abuse: Have We Identified a Relevant Gene?” Baltimore, Maryland, September 19-20, 1991.

261. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., The dopamine D2 receptor as a modifying gene in neuropsychiatric disorders. (Abstraxt) Second World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, England, 1991. Psychiat.Genet. 2: 69-70, 1991.

262. Palmer, C. G., Bader, P. , Slovak, M. L., Comings, D. E., and Pettenati, M. J. Partial Deletion of Chromosome 6p: Delineation of the Syndrome. Am.J.Med.Genet. 39: 155-160, 1991.

263. Comings, D. E. Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Underdiagnosed, undertreated. Nutrition & Health Review, p.4 -7, 1992.

264. Comings, D. E. The D2 dopamine receptor and Tourette's syndrome. J.Am.Med.Assn. 267: 652, 1992.

265. Comings, D. E. The role of a mutant dopamine receptor gene in ADHD: Implications for treatment and the relationship of ADHD to Tourette Syndrome. CHADDER 6: 12-14, 1992.

266. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Alternative hypotheses on the inheritance of Tourette syndrome. Tourette Syndrome Association Second International Scientific Symposium, Boston, 1991. Adv.Neurol. 58: 189-199, 1992.

267. Comings, D. E., MacMurray, J., Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., Knell, E., Flanagan, S. Gysin, R., Ask, M., and Johnson, J. Dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) as a major gene in obesity. (Abstract) American Society of Human Genetics, San Francisco, 1992. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 51: A211, 1992.

268. Johnson, J. P., Comings, D.E., Flanagan, S.D., Nessan, D.G., Tosk, J.M., and Kelly, J.,. Genetic Influence on P300 Latency in Substance Abusers, (Abstract). Clinical Neuropsychologist 6: 344, 1992.

269. Flanagan, S.D., MacMurray, j., Comings, D., Johnson, J., Lopatin, G., Gysin, R. Dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) haplotype status and genetic risk for alcoholism and polysubstance abuse. (Abstract) CINP XVIII Congress, Nice, 1992.

270. Comings, D.E. Serotonin, and alcoholism as a spectrum disorder. Symposium o n 5-HT in Alcoholism. (Abstract) Bristol, England, 1992.

271. Kovacs, B. W., Shbahrami, B. Tast, D.E., Lee, S. H., and Comings, D.E. Quantitation and characterization of trinucleotide repeat microsatellites in eukaryotic species. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 51: A366, 1992.

272. Flanagan, S.D., Noble, E. P., Blum, K., MacMurray, J., Comings, D., Ritchie, T., Sheridan, P.J., Lopatin, G., Gysin, R. Evidence for a third physiologically distinct allele at the dopamine D2 receptor locus (DRD2). (Abstract) Amer. Psychopathol. Assn., New York, 1992.

273. Comings, D.E., Ferry, l. Brandshaw-Robinson, S., Burchette, R., Dino, M., Chiu, C., Muhleman, D. Role of variants of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene as genetic risk factors in smoking. (Abstract) Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program First TRDRP Scientific Conference, 1993.

274. Comings, D. E. Common genetic factors for drug and alcohol abuse: Tourette syndrome (Gts)/ADHD genes. Psychiat.Genet. 3: 176, 1993.

275. Comings, D. E. Genetic factors in human sexual behavior. Psychiat.Genet. 3: 181, 1993.

276. Comings, D. E. A genetic hypothesis for the secular increases in psychiatric disorders. Psychiat.Genet. 3: 176, 1993.

277. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Comorbid Behavioral Disorders. In Kurlan, R., ed. Handbook of Tourette's Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders, 111-147. Marcel-Decker, Inc., New York, 1993.

278. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Sexual abuse or Tourette syndrome? Social Work 38: 347-350, 1993.

279. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B.G. SIDS and Tourette syndrome: Is there an etiologic relationship? J.Dev.Physical Disabil. 5: 265-279, 1993.

280. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Tourette syndrome: A hereditary neuropsychiatric spectrum disorder. Psychiat.Genet. 3: 117-118, 1993.

281. Comings, D. E. and Comings, B. G. Tourette syndrome: A neuropsychiatric spectrum disorder. (Abstract) Am.J.Hum.Genet. 53: 418, 1993.

282. Comings, D. E., Flanagan, S. D., Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., Knell, E., and Gysin, R. The dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) as a major gene in obesity and height. Biochem.Med.Metabolic Biol. 50: 176-185, 1993.

283. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., and Dietz, G.,. Within group association studies in oligogenetic spectrum disorders: Will they lead us out of the wilderness of psychiatric genetics? Psychiat.Genet. 3: 187, 1993.

284. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Dino, M., Legro, R. and Gade. R. Association between Tourette's syndrome and homozygosity at the dopamine-D3 receptor gene. Lancet 341: 706, 1993.

285. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., M. Dino, R. Legro, and Gade, R.,. Tourette's syndrome and homozygosity for the dopamine D3 receptor gene - reply. Lancet 341: 1483-1484, 1993.

286. Fahn, S., Bruun, R. D., Caine, E., Cohen, D.J., Comings, D.E., Como, P. G., Conneally, P.M., Gancher, S.T., Goetz, C., Golden, G.S., Jankovic, J., Kurlan, R., LeWitt, P., Pauls, D., Riddle, M.A., Shapiro, A.K., and Singer, H.S. Definitions and classifications of tic disorders. Arch.Neurol. 50: 1013-1016, 1993.

287. Knell, E. and Comings, D.E.,. Tourette syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Evidence for a genetic relationship. J.Clin.Psychiat. 54: 331-337, 1993.

288. Legro, R. S., Dietz, G., D. Comings, Lobo, R.A., Kovacs, B. D2 receptor gene haplotypes and decreased fecundability in female Hispanics. (Abstract) Soc.Gynecologic Invest. Toronto, 1993.

289. Legro, R. S., G. W. Dietz, Comings, D.E., and B. W. Kovacs. D2 receptor gene haplotypes in female Hispanics are significantly associated with gonadotropins and fecundity but not ovulation. (Abstract) The Endocrine Society, 1993.

290. Legro, R. S., Muhleman, D., D. Comings, R. A. Lobo, and B. Kovacs. D3 receptor polymorphisms associated with oligo-ovulation among female Hispanics. (Abstract) Soc.Gynecologic Invest. Toronto, 1993.

291. MacMurray, J., Flanagan, S., and Comings, D. E. The role of DRD2 genetic variants in impulsive behaviors in samples of normal individuals and substance abusers. (Abstract) 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, 1993.

292. Najfeld, V., Menniger, J., Muhleman, D., Comings, D.E., and Gupta, S.L. Localization of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase gene to chromosome 8p12-p11 by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Cytogenetics Cell Genetics 64: 231-232, 1993.

293. Comings, D. E. Candidate genes and association studies in psychiatry. Letter to the editor. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 54: 324, 1994.

294. Comings, D. E. The dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) and neuropsychiatric disorders. Therapeutic implications. CNS Drugs 1: 1-5, 1994.

295. Comings, D. E. Genetic factors in substance abuse based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and relatives. I. Drug abuse. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 35: 1-16, 1994.

296. Comings, D. E. Genetic factors in substance abuse based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and relatives. II. Alcohol abuse. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 35: 17-24, 1994.

297. Comings, D. E. The role of genetic factors in human sexual behavior based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and their relatives . Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 54: 227-241, 1994.

298. Comings, D. E. Tourette syndrome: A behavioral spectrum disorder due to pleiotrophic expression of Gts genes. Movement Disorders 9 (Suppl 1): 15, 1994.

299. Comings, D.E. and Comings, B.G. TS, learning, and speech problems. J.Am.Acad.Child.Adolesc.Psychiatry. 33: 429-430, 1994.

300. Comings, D.E., Gade, R., Muhleman, D. and Sverd, J. No association of a tyrosine hydroxylase gene tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism in autism, Tourette syndrome or ADHD. Biol.Psychiatry 37: 484-486, 1995.

301. Comings, D.E., Muhleman, D., Ahn, C., Gysin, R., and Flanagan, S.D. The dopamine D2 receptor gene: A genetic risk factor in substance abuse. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 34: 175-180, 1994.

302. Legro, R., Dietz, G., Comings, D.E., and Kovacs, B.W.. Association of D2 receptor gene haplotypes with anovulation and fecundity in female Hispanics. Human Reproduction 9: 1271-1275, 1994.

303. Comings, D.E. Tourette’s syndrome and psychiatric disorders. Brit. J. Psychiat. 166:399, 1995.

302. Comings, D.E. Letter to editor, DSM-IV Criteria for Tourette’s. J.Am.Acad.Child.Adolesc.Psy. 34:401-402, 1995.

305. Comings, D.E., Wu, S., Chiu, H., Ring, R.H., Ahn, C., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., and Gade, R. Polygenic inheritance at a Molecular Level: The additive effect of Three Dopaminergic Genes in Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, and Conduct Disorder. American Society of Human Genetics meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1995. Abstract

306. Blum, K., Sheridan, P.J., Wood, R.C., Sheridan, P.J., Braverman, E.R., Chen, T.J.H.., and Comings, D.E. Dopamine D2 receptor gene variants: Association and linkage studies in impulsive, addictive and compulsive disorders. Pharmacogenetics 5: 121-141, 1995.

307. Comings, D. E. The Dopamine D2 receptor and Tourette syndrome. Arch.Neurol. 52: 441-442, 1995.

308. Comings, D. E. The Role of genetic factors in depression. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 60: 111-121, 1995.

309. Comings, D. E. The haplotype relative risk technique lacks power in polygenic inheritance. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: 103, 1995.

310. Comings, D. E. IQ and drug abuse. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: 76, 1995.

311. Comings, D. E. Polygenic inheritance of psychiatric disorders: A hypothesis. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S48, 1995.

312. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Gade, R., C. Chiu, S. Wu, and MacMurray, J.,. Sequence and polymorphism studies of the human tryptophan 2,3-dixoygenase (TDO2) gene. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S99, 1995.

313. Comings, D. E., H. Wu, C. Chiu, R. S. Ring, C. Ahn, Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., and Gade, R.,. Polygenic inheritance of Tourette syndrome (TS) and ADHD: The additive effect of three dopaminergic genes. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S99, 1995.

314. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., C. Chiu, Dietz, G., and Gade, R.,. Dopamine D2 receptor gene in Tourette syndrome (TS). 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S98, 1995.

315. Comings, D. E., Chiu, C., Muhleman, D., and MacMurray., J. Genetic studies of the dopamine ß-hydroxylase (DβH) gene in impulse disorders and learning problems. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S86, 1995.

316. Ring, R. H. and Comings, D.E.,. Dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) in Tourette syndrome and autism. 1995 World Congress Psychiatric Genetics 5: S87, 1995.

317. Comings, D. E. The role of genetic factors in conduct disorder based on studies of Tourette syndrome and ADHD probands and their relatives. J.Dev.Behav.Pediatr. 16: 142-157, 1995.

318. Comings, D. E. Sexual expression, genetics, and testosterone in Tourette syndrome - response. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 60: 594, 1995.

319. Comings, D. E. Tourette Syndrome: A Behavioral Spectrum Disorder. In: Behavioral Neurology of Movement Disorders, ed. Weiner, W. J. and Lang, A.E. Raven Press, NY, pp.293-303, 1995.

320. Comings, D. E. Tourette syndrome: A hereditary neuropsychiatric spectrum disorder. Ann.Clin.Psychiatry 6: 235-247, 1995.

321. Comings, D. E., MacMurray, J., Johnson, P., Dietz, G., and Muhleman, D. Dopamine D2 Receptor Gene (DRD2) Haplotypes and the Defense Style Questionnaire in Substance Abuse, Tourette Syndrome and Controls . Biol.Psychiatry 37: 798-805, 1995.

322. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Gietz, G., Sherman, M., and Forest, G. Sequence of human tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase: Presence of a glucocorticoid response-like element composed of a GTT repeat and an intronic CCCCT repeat. Genomics 29: 390-396, 1995.

323. Legro, R. S., Muhleman, D., Comings, D.E., R. A. Lobo, and B. W. Kovacs. A dopamine D3 receptor genotype is associated with hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation and resistance to ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate. Fertility and Sterility 63: 779-784, 1995.


324. Comings, D.E. The Gene Bomb. Does Higher Education and Advanced Technology Accelerate the Selection for Genes for Learning Disorders, Addictive and Disruptive Behaviors? Hope Press, Duarte CA, 1996.

324. Blake, H., Gade, R., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., J. Johnson, R. Verde, and D. Comings. An association between the dopamine-β-hydroxylase dinculeotide repeat polymorphism and drug abuse patterns. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 160, 1996.

325. Blum, K., J. G. Cull, E. R. Braverman, and Comings, D.E.,. Reward Deficiency Syndrome. American Scientist 84: 132-145, 1996.

326. Blum, K., PL. Sheridan, R. C. Wood, E. R. Braverman, J. H. Chon, J. G. Gull, and Comings, D.E.,. The D2 dopamine receptor gene as determinant of reward deficiency syndrome. J.R.Soc.Med. 89: 396-400, 1996.

327. Boghosiansell, L., Comings, D.E., and J. Overhauser. Tourette syndrome in a pedigree with a 7:18 translocation: identification of a YAC spanning the translocation breakpoint at 18q22.3. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 59: 999-1005, 1996.

328. Comings, D. E. Both genes and environment play a role in antisocial behavior. Politics and the Life Sciences 15: 84-86, 1996.

329. Comings, D. E. The Gene Bomb. Does higher education and advanced technology accelerate the selection of genes for learning disorders, ADHD, addictive, and disruptive behaviors? Duarte, CA, Hope Press. 1996.

330. Comings, D. E. Genetic factors in drug abuse and dependence. In Gordon, H. W. and M. D. Glantz, eds. Individual Differences in the Biobehavioral Etiology of Drug Abuse. Washington, D.C., National Institut on Drug Abuse. 1996, 16-38.

331. Comings, D. E. Polygenetic inheritance of psychiatric disorders. In Blum, K., E. P. Noble, R. S. Sparks, and P. J. Sheridan, eds. Handbook of Psychiatric Genetics. Boca Raton,FL, CRC Press. 1996, 235-260.

332. Comings, D. E. Polygenic inheritance and minisatellites. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 157-158, 1996.

333. Comings, D. E. Search for the Tourette Syndrome and Human Behavior Genes. Hope Press. 1996.

334. Comings, D. E., Ferry, L., Bradshaw-Robinson, S., Burchette, R., Chiu, C., and Muhleman, D. The Dopamine D2 Receptor (DRD2) Gene: A Genetic Risk Factor in Smoking. Pharmacogenetics 6: 73-79, 1996.

335. Comings, D. E., Gade, R., MacMurray, J., Muhleman, D., Johnson, J., Verde, R. and Peters, W. Association of OB gene with obesity, depression and anxiety in young women. American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, San Francisco, California (Abstract) Psychiat.Genet. 6: 166, 1996.

336. Comings, D. E., Gade, R., Muhleman, D., and MacMurray, J.,. Role of the HTR1A serotonin receptor gene in Tourette syndrome and conduct disorder. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 166, 1996.

337. Comings, D. E., Gade, R., S. Wu, C. Chiu, Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., G. Saucier, L. Ferry, R. Burchette, P. Johnson, R. Verde, and MacMurray, J.,. Dopamine D1 receptor gene and addictive behaviors. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 158, 1996.

338. Comings, D. E., Gonzalez, N., Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., J. Johnson, and R. Verde. Associations between the 5HT-2R gene and psychiatric symptoms in substance abusers and controls. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 158, 1996.

339. Comings, D. E., MacMurray, J. P., Gade, R., Muhleman, D., and W. R. Peters. Genetic variants of the human obesity gene: Association with psychiatric symptoms and body mass index in young women, and interaction with the dopamine D2 receptor gene. Molecular Psychiatry 1: 325-335, 1996.

340. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Gade, R., C. Chiu, H. Wu, Dietz, G., E. Winn-Dean, L. Ferry, R. J. Rosenthal, H. R. Lesieur, L. Rugle, J. Sverd, P. Johnson, and J. P. MacMurray. Exon and intron mutations in the human tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase gene and their potential association with Tourette syndrome, substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders. Pharmacogenetics 6: 307-318, 1996.

341. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., and R. Gysin. The dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene and susceptibility in posttraumatic stress disorder: A study and replication. Biol.Psychiatry 40: 368-372, 1996.

342. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., J. Johnson, Gade, R., R. Verde, G. Saucier, and MacMurray, J.,. Cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) association with ERP P300 wave amplitude and drug dependence. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 159, 1996.

343. Comings, D. E., R. J. Rosenthal, H. R. Lesieur, L. Rugle, Muhleman, D., C. Chiu, Dietz, G., and Gade, R.,. A study of the dopamine D2 receptor gene in pathological gambling. Pharmacogenetics 6: 223-234, 1996.

344. Comings, D. E., H. Wu, C. Chiu, R. H. Ring, Dietz, G., and Muhleman, D. Polygenic inheritance of Tourette syndrome, stuttering, ADHD, conduct and oppositional defiant disorder: The Additive and Subtractive Effect of the three dopaminergic genes - DRD2, DβH and DAT1. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 67: 264-288, 1996.

345. Comings, D. E., J. Wu, C. Chiu, Muhleman, D., and J. Sverd. Studies of c-Harvey-Ras gene in psychiatric disorders. Psychiatry Res. 63: 25-32, 1996.

346. Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., J. Johnson, R. Verde, and D. Comings. An association between the neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene (nNOS1a) and Aggressive behavior. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 159, 1996.

347. Gade, R., Blake, H., MacMurray, J., Muhleman, D., J. Johnson, R. Verde, and D. Comings. Relationship of the GABRB3 gene to adult ADHD and personality traits in Caucasian and African-American samples. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 164-165, 1996.

348. Gade, R., Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., and D. Comings. Monoamine oxidase gene variants in Tourette syndrome and drug abuse. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 168, 1996.

349. Lam, S., Y. Shen, T. Nguyen, T. Messier, M. Brann, D. Comings, S. R. George, and B. F. O'Dowd. A serotonin receptor gene (5HT1A) variant found in a Tourette's syndrome patient. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm. 219: 853-858, 1996.

350. MacMurray, J., G. Saucier, Muhleman, D., Gade, R., C. Chiu, S. Wu, Blake, H., L. Ferry, J. Johnson, and Comings, D.E.,. Polygenic prediction of parity: GABAA-β3 and dopamine DRD4 gene markers. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 161, 1996.

351. Saucier, G., Muhleman, D., Gade, R., S. Wu, C. Chiu, Blake, H., MacMurray, J., and D. Comings. Polygenes associated with intravenous drug use. Psychiat.Genet. 6: 161, 1996.


352. Blum, K., E. R. Braverman, J. G. Cull, A. Eisenberg, M. Sherman, N. Schnautz, L. Fischer, D. Mathews, and Comings, D.E.,. Association of polymorphisms of dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) and dopamine transporter (DAT1) genes with schizoid/avoidant behaviors (SAB) and pathological violence (PV). Biol.Psychiatry 42: 296S, 1997.

353. Blum, K., E. R. Braverman, S. Wu, J. G. Cull, T. J. H. Chen, J. GIll, R. Wood, A. Eisenberg, M. Sherman, K. R. Davis, D. Matthews, L. Fischer, N. Schnautz, W. Walsh, A. A. Pontius, M. Zedar, G. Kaats, and Comings, D.E.,. Association polymorphisms of dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2), Dopamine transporter (DAT1) with schizoid/avoidant behavors (SAB). Molecular Psychiatry 2: 239-246, 1997.

354. Comings, D. E. The Gene Bomb [letter to editor]. J.Med.Genet. 34: 876, 1997.

355. Comings, D. E. Genetic aspects of childhood behavioral disorders. Child Psychiatry Human Devel. 27: 139-150, 1997.

356. Comings, D. E. Years of education and age of first childbirth: Evidence that genes associated with learning and related disorders are the major factor in the timing of childbirth, and that these genes are increasing in frequency. In: Genetic Influences on Rertility-Related Processes. Edited by NIH and Society for the Study of Social Biology, Tucson, AZ Dec 3-5, 1997.

357. Comings, D. E., Gade, R., Wu, S., Chiu, C., Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., Saucier, G., Ferry, L., Burchete, R., Johnson, P., Verde, R., and MacMurray, J.P. Studies of the potential role of the dopamine D1 receptor gene in addictive behaviors. Molecular Psychiatry 2: 44-56, 1997.

358. Comings, D. E. and MacMurray, J.M. Different genes for susceptibility to drug versus alcohol dependence. Biol.Psychiatry 42: 295S-296S, 1997.

359. Comings, D. E. and MacMurray, J.M. Molecular heterosis: Implications for complex inheritance. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 61: A196, 1997.

360. Comings, D. E. and MacMurray, J.M. Molelcular heterosis:Implications for psychiatric genetics. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 74: 656, 1997.

361. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., Gade, R., Johnson, P., Verde, R., Saucier, G., and MacMurray, J.Cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1): Association with IV drug use. Molecular Psychiatry 2: 161-168, 1997.

362. Dietz, G. and Comings, D.E. A simple restriction endonuclease based test for the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) haplotypes: Linkage disequilibrium of the haplotypes with the Taq A1 allele. Psychiat.Genet. 7: 133-135, 1997.

363. Gade-Andavolu, R., MacMurray, J.P., Blake, H., Muhleman, D., Tourtellotte, W., and Comings, D.E. Association of the GABAA A3 receptor gene (GABRA3) and multiple sclerosis. Arch.Neurol. 1997.

364. Johnson, J. P., Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., Gade, R., Verde, R., Ask, M., Kelly, J., and Comings, D.E. Association between the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1), and the P300 wave of event-related potentials, and drug dependence . Molecular Psychiatry 2: 169-171, 1997.

365. MacMurray, J., Miller, W. and Comings, D.E. X-linked genes, twinning, and fertility related behavior. In: Genetic Influences on fertility-related processes. Edited by NIH and Society for the Study of Social Biology, Tucson, Arizona Dec. 3-5, 1997.

366. Miller, W., D. Pasta, MacMurray, J., and Comings, D.E.,. Genetic influences on childbearing motivation: Further testing a theoretical framework. In Genetic Indluences on Fertility –Related Processes. Edited by NIH and Society for the Study of Social Biology, Tuscon, AZ Dec 3-5, 1997.

367. Thompson, M., D. J. Vandenbergh, G. Remington, Comings, D.E., S. R. George, G. R. Uhl, and B. F. O'Dowd. Association study of Tourette syndrome and alcoholism with novel polymorphisms of the dopamine transporter. Soc.Neurosci.Abstr. 1997.

368. Vandenbergh, D. J., M. Thompson, E. Cook, J. Schaeffer, S. George, E. Bendahhou, J. T. You, M. Hazama, D. Comings, B. O'Dowd, and G. R. Uhl. High conservation of dopamine transporter sequences among human individuals. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 61: A382, 1997.

369. Wu, S., Muhleman, D., and Comings, D.E. PCR amplification of the Taq I B1/B2 polymorphism at intron 5 of the dopamine β-hydroxylase gene. Psychiat.Genet. 7: 39-40, 1997.

370. Blake, H., MacMurray, J., Gade-Andavolu, R., Wu, S., Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Johnson, J.P., Saucier, G., and Comings, D.E. Gender differences in APOE-associated brain weights of Alzheimer's disease cases. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 554, 1998.

371. Miller, W. B., D. J. Pasta, MacMurray, J., C. Chiu, S. Wu, and Comings, D.E.,. Genetic influences on childbearing motivation: A theoretical framework and some emperical evidence. In: Advances in Population: Psychosocial Perspectives Vol 3. Edited by LJ Severy, WB Miller, London, Jessica Kingsley. 1998.

372. Comings, D. E. All alleles are equal, but some alleles are more equal than others. Molecular Psychiatry 3: 212, 1998.

373. Comings, D. E. The molecular genetics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Tourette Syndrome: Common, hereditary, treatable, behavioral disorders that are common in a prison population. Academy of Criminal Justice Meeting (abstract) 1998.

374. Comings, D. E. The molecular genetics of pathological gambling. CNS Spectrums 3: 20-37, 1998.

375. Comings, D. E. Polygenic inheritance and micro/minisatellites. Molecular Psychiatry 3: 21-31, 1998.

376. Comings, D. E. Some genetic aspects of human sexual behavior in Males, Females, and Behavior: Toward Biological Understanding. Edited by L. Ellis New York, Praeger. Pp 1-12, 1998.

377. Comings, D. E. Tourette syndrome and serotonin. J.Serotonin Res. 4: 239-249, 1998.

378. Comings, D. E. Why Different Rules are Required for Polygenic Inheritance: Lessons from Studies of the DRD2 Gene. Alcohol 16: 61-70, 1998.

379. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., B. S. Gonzalez, S. Wu, Dietz, G., Muhleman, D., and MacMurray, J.,. Multiple additive associations (MAA) - A powerful method of identifying the genes in polygenic disorders: ADHD, ODD, CD, Alcoholism and pathological gambling. Am.J.Hum.Genetics 61: A323, 1998.

380. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Blake, H., and MacMurray, J.,. Norepinephrine genes, ADHD and Learning disorders. International Congress Psychiatric Genetics, Bonn, Germany. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 548-549, 1998.

381. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Blake, H., Dietz, G., G. Saucier, and MacMurray, J.,. Multiple additive associations: A technique for the identification of genes in polygenic disorders. International Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Bonn, Germany. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 489, 1998.

382. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Dietz, G., Blake, H., MacMurray, J.P., L. J. Rugle, H. R. Lesieur, and R. J. Rosenthal. The genetics of pathological gambling: The additive effect of multiple genes. National Council on Problem Gambling Meeting Las Vegas, NV June: 1998.

383. Comings, D. E., Wu, S., Johnson, J. P., and MacMurray, J. Phenotypic expression of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene (CHRNA4) in stressed and unstressed subjects. International Congress Psychiatric Genetics, Bonn, Germany. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81, 509, 1998.

384. Comings, D. E., S. Wu, and Muhleman, D.,. Androgen receptor gene, conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. International Congress Psychitric Genetics, Bonn, Germany. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 549-550, 1998.

385. Gade, R., Muhleman, D., MacMurray, J., and Comings, D.E.,. Correlation of length of VNTR alleles at the X-linked MAOA gene and phenotypic effect in Tourette syndrome and drug abuse. Molecular Psychiatry 3: 50-60, 1998.

386. Johnson, J. P., Dietz, G., Gade-Andavolu, R., Blake, H., Muhleman, D., G. Saucier, MacMurray, J., and Comings, D.E.,. Association of endopeptidase (CD10NE) dinucleotide repeat polymorphism with anxiety, depression, and P300 amplitude. International Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Bonn, Germany. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 524, 1998.

387. MacMurray, J., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Gade-Andavolu, R., Blake, H., W. Peters, J. P. Johnson, G. Saucier, and Comings, D.E.,. Associations between the gamma-interferon gene (INFG3), asthenia, and obesity. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 81: 524, 1998.

388. Thompson, M., Comings, D.E., S. R. George, and B. F. O'Dowd. Mutation screening of the dopamine D1 receptor (DRD1) gene in Tourette's syndrome patients and alcohol dependent patients. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) (in press): 1998.

389. Thompson, M. D., Comings, D.E., Gonzalez, N., T. Hguyen, R. Tyndale, E. Sellers, S. R. George, and B. F. O'Dowd. The serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms in Tourette's syndrome and alcohol dependence. Am.J.Hum.Genet. Suppl: 1998.

390. Thompson, M. D., Comings, D.E., Gonzalez, N., T. Nguyen, R. Tyndale, E. Sellers, S. R. George, and B. F. O'Dowd. The role of serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms in Tourette's syndrome and alcohol dependence. Am.J.Hum.Genet. 61: A311, 1998.

391. Wu, S. and Comings, D.E.,. G5644A polymorphism in the interferon-gamma (INFG) gene. Psychiat.Genet. 8: 57, 1998.


392. Blum, K., Braverman, E. R., Lubar, J. F., Lubar, J. O., Cull, J. G., Eisenberg, A., Sherman, M., Comings, D. E., Wise, J. A., and Monastra, V. Molecular genetic and electrophysiological basis of "Reward Deficiency Syndrome": Risk of substance use disorder in attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder probands. Abstract:ASAM Meeting New York, April. 1999.

393. Comings, D. E. Clinical implications of dopamine D2 receptor gene susceptibility to posttraumatic stress disorder. Essential Pharmacology 1: 93-104, 1999.

394. Comings, D. E. Letter to the editor: Tourette syndrome a polygenic disorder. CNS Spectrums 4: 14-15, 1999.

395. Comings, D. E. Molecular heterosis as the explanation for the controversy about the effect of the DRD2 gene on dopamine D2 receptor density. Molecular Psychiatry 4: 213-215, 1999.

396. Comings, D. E. SNPs and polygenic disorders: A less gloomy view. Molecular Psychiatry 4: 314-316, 1999.

397. Comings, D. E., Blake, H., Dietz, G., Gade-Andavolu, R., R. Legro, G. Saucier, P. Johnson, R. Verde, and J. P. MacMurray. The proenkephalin gene (PENK) and opioid dependence. NeuroReport 10: 1133-1135, 1999.

398. Comings, D. E., C. Chen, S. Wu, and Muhleman, D.,. Association of the androgen receptor gene (AR) with ADHD and conduct disorder. Neuroreport 10: 1589-1592, 1999.

399. Comings, D. E., Dietz.G., and J. P. M. J. P. Johnson. Association of the enkephalinase gene with low amplitude P300 waves. NeuroReport 10: 2283-2285, 1999.

400. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Blake, H., Muhleman, D., M. Huss, G. Saucier, and J. P. MacMurray. Role of genetic variants at the neutral endopeptidase (MME) and aminopeptidase N (ANPEP) genes for enkephalin degradation in depression and anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry 4: S104, 1999.

401. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., Blake, H., S. Wu, and J. P. MacMurray. Additive effect of three noradrenergic genes (ADRA2A, ADRA2C, DBH) on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities in Tourette syndrome subjects. Clin.Genet. 55: 160-172, 1999.

402. Comings, D. E., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Gade, R., Muhleman, D., G. Saucier, P. Johnson, R. Verde, R. J. Rosenthal, H. R. Lesieur, L. J. Rugle, W. R. Miller, and J. P. MacMurray. Studies of the 48 bp repeat of the DRD4 gene in impulsive-addictive behaviors: Tourette syndrome, ADHD, pathological gambling, and substance abuse. Am.J.Med.Gen.(Neuropsych.Genet.) 88: 358-368, 1999.

403. Comings, D. E., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, G. Saucier, P. Johnson, R. Verde, and J. P. MacMurray. Association of the dopamine DRD3 receptor gene with cocaine dependence. Molecular Psychiatry 4: 484-487, 1999.

404. Comings, D. E., J. P. MacMurray, Gonzalez, N., L. Ferry, and W. R. Peters. Association of the serotonin transporter gene with serum cholesterol levels and heart disease. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 67: 248-253, 1999.

405. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., P. Johnson, and J. P. MacMurray. Potential role of the estrogen receptor gene (ESR1) in anxiety. Molecular Psychaitry 4: 374-377, 1999.

406. Gade-Andavolu, R., MacMurray, J., W. Peters, and Comings, D.E.,. Association of PST-1 polymorphism in insulin gene (INS3) with obesity and novelty seeking. Moleuclar Psychiatry 4: 106, 1999.

407. Peters, W. R., K. Khollefi, MacMurray, J., Muhleman, D., and Comings, D.E.,. Possible relevance of neuropeptide Y and aromatase polymorphisms to leptin metabolism and obesity-related features. Molecular Psychiatry 4: S111, 1999.

408. Miles, T., Comings.D.E., Gonzalez, N., N. Tuan, E. Sellers, R. Tyndale, S. George, and B. O’Dowd. Allele and haplotype frequencies of the serotonin transporter (SCL 6A4) in Tourettes syndrome and alcohol dependence. Molecular Psychiatry 4: S95, 1999.

409. Miller, W. B., D. J. Pasta, MacMurray, J., C. Chiu, H. Wu, and Comings, D.E.,. Dopamine receptor genes are associated with age at first intercourse. J. Biosocial Science 31: 43-54, 1999.

410. Huss, M., MacMurray, J., Dietz, G., Blake, H., U. Lehmkuhl, and Comings, D.E.,. Opioids and attachment behavior: Studies of the neutral endopeptidase gene. Molecular Psychiatry 4: S45, 1999.

411. Winsberg, B. and Comings, D. Association of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) with poor methylphenidate response. J.Am.Acad.Child.Adolesc.Psychiatry 38: 1474-1477, 1999.

412. Wu, S. and Comings, D.E. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region of the human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase PNMT gene. Psychiatric Genetics 9:187-188, 1999.

413. Winsberg, B. and Comings, D.E.,. Association of homozygosity for the dopamine transporter with poor methylphendidate response. Molecular Psychiatry 4: S87, 1999.

414. Wu, S. and Comings, D.E.,. A common C-1018G polymorphism in the human 5-HTR1A receptor gene. Psychiat.Genet. 9: 105-106, 1999.

415 Comings, D. E. Molecular genetics of violence. In: Encyclopedia of Violence in the United States. Edited by R. Rottesman, New York, Charles Schribner's Sons, Vol. 2, pp24-25, 1999


416. Comings, D. E. Molecular genetics of ADHD and conduct disorder: Relevance to the treatment of recidivistic antisocial behavior. In Fishbein, D., ed. Science, Treatment and Prevention of Antisocial Behavior: Application to the Criminal Justice System. New York, N.Y., Civic Research Institute, Inc. 16.1-25, 2000.

417. Comings,D.E., MacMurray,J.P. MiniReview Molecular Heterosos: A Review Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 71:19-31,2000

418. MacMurray, J. and Comings, D.E.,. A study of factors involved in mediation of age at childbearing and offspring sex-ratio. In Rogers, J. and D. Rowe,Eds. Genetics of Fertility,2000.

419. MacMurray, Kovacs,B., McGue, M., Johnson,J.P., Blake, H., Comings, D.E. Association between the endothelialion nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3) reproductive behaviors, and twinning, Genetic Influence on Fertility and Sexuality. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 303-316,2000

420. Blum, K., E. R. Braverman, J. G. Cull, J. M. Holder, J. Lubar, and Comings, D.E.,. Reward deficiency syndrome (RDS): A biogenic model for the diagnosis and treatment of impulsive, addictive and compulsive behaviors. J.Psychoactive Drugs. 32 Supplement 1-112, 2000.

421. Comings, D. E. Age of first childbirth: A major selective factor for psychiatric genes in the twentieth century. In: Genetic Influences on Fertility and Sexuality, Edited by J. Rogers, and D. Rowe, 271-288, 2000.

422. Comings, D. E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Blake, H., Dietz, G., G. Saucier, and J. P. MacMurray. Comparison of the role of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenergic genes in ADHD, ODD and conduct disorder. Multivariate regression analysis of 20 genes. Clinical Genetics 57:178-196, 2000.

423. Comings, D. E., Muhleman, D., S. Wu, and J. P. MacMurray. Association of the N-α-acetyltransferase gene (NAT1) with mild and severe substance abuse. NeuroReport, 11:1227-1230, 2000.

424. Comings, D. E. ADHD with Tourette Syndrome or Tic Disorders. In Brown, T. E., ed. Attention Deficit Disorders and Comorbidities in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Washington, Am.Psychiat.Press. 2000.

425. Comings, D. E., Dietz, G., Gade-Andavolu, R., Blake, H., Muhleman, D., M. Huss, G. Saucier, and J. P. MacMurray. Association of the neutral endopepdidase (MME) gene with depression and anxiety. Psychiatric Genetics 10:91-94, 2000.

426. Comings, D. E., J. P. Johnson, N. S. Gonzalez, M. Huss, G. Saucier, and MacMurray, J. Association between the adrenergic
alpha2A receptor gene (ADRA2A) and measures of irritability, hostility, impulsivity and memory in normal subjects. Psychiatric Genetics 10:160-172, 2000.
427 Comings, D. E. and MacMurray, J.P. Molecular Heterosis: A Review. Molecular Biology & Metabolism 71: 19-31, 2000.

428 Comings, D.E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Blake, H., Chiu, F., Wang,E., Farwell, K., Darakjy, S., Baker, R., Dietz, G., G. Saucier, and J. P. MacMurray. Multivariate analysis of associations of 42 genes in ADHD, ODD and conduct disorder. Clinical Genetics 58:31-40, 2000.

429 Huss,M.,MacMurray,J., Johnson,P., Lehmkuhl,U., Comings,D.E. The impact of father-absence on age at menarche and sexual symptoms in children and aldosescents admitted for educational and behavioral problems. In Peter,H-P. and Rogers,J.L. eds The Biodemography of Fertility.

430 Comings,D.E., Johnson,J.P., Gonzalez,N.S., Huss,M., Saucier,G., McGue,M., MacMurray,J.P. Association between the adrenergic receptor gene (ADRA2A) and measures of irritability, hostility, impulsivity and memory in normal subjects. Psychiatric Genetics 10:39-42,2000

431 Comings.,D.E, Gade-Andavolu,R., Gonzalez,N., Wu,S., Muhleman,D., Blake,H., Mann,M.B., Dietz,G., Saucier,G., MacMurray,J.P. A multivariate analysis of 59 candidate genes in personality traits: the temperament and character inventory. Clinical Genetics 58:375-385,2000

432 Comings, D,E, and Blum, K. Reward deficiency syndrome: genetic aspects of behavioral disorders. Progress in Brain Research. 126: 325-341, 2000.

433 Asherson, P. Barkley, R. Barr, C. Berg, K. Biederman, J. Castellanos, X. Comings, D. Curran, S. Doyle, A. Ebstein, R. Eisenberg, J. Ergelen, E. Faraone, S. Freund, L. Geller, D. Gill, M. Holmes, J. Hudziak, J. Kennedy, J. Kent, L. Manor, I. Mick, E. Mitchell, H. Navia, B. Pato, C. Pato, M. Price, T. Sargeant, J. Simonoff, E. Smalley, S. Spencer, T. Swanson, J. Waldman, I. Wilens, T. Yazgan, Y.. Collaborative possibilities for molecular genetic studies of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Report from an international conference. Am. J. Medical Genetics 96:251-257, 2000.


434 Comings,D.E., Gonzalez,N., Saucier,G.,Johnson, J.P., McMurray,J. The DRD4 gene and the spiritual transcendence scale of the character temperament index. Psychiatric Genetics 10:185-189,2001

435 Madrid, G.A., MacMurray, J., Lee, J.W. Anderson, B.A., Comings, D.E., Stress as a Mediating Factor in the association between the DRD2 Taq I Polymorphism and Alcoholism. Alcohol 23:117-122, 2001.

436 Comings,D.E.,Gade,R.,Muhleman,D.,Peters,W.R.,MacMurray,J. The LEP Gene and Age of Menarche: Maternal Age as a Potential Cause of Hidden Stratification in Association Studies. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 73: 204-210, 2001

437. Comings,D.E.., Gade-Andavolu, R.,Gonzalez, N., S. Wu, Muhleman, D., Chen, C.,Koh, P., Farwell, K., Blake, H., Dietz, G., MacMurray, J. P., Lesieur, H.R., Rugle, L.J., Rosenthal, R.J. The Additive effect of Neurotransmitter Genes in Pathological Gambling. Clinical Genetics 59:00-00, 2001

438 Mann,M., Wu,S., Rostamkhani,M.,Tourtellote,W.,MacMurray,J.,ComingsD.E. Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase (PNMT) Gene and Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 105:312-316,2001

439 Comings,D.E., Wu,S., Gonzalez,N., Iacono,W.G., McGue,M., Peters,WW., MacMurray,J. Cholecystokinin (CCK) Gene as a Possible Risk Factor for Smoking: A Replication in Two Independent Samples. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 73:347-353,2001

440 Comings, D.E., Clinical and Molecular Genetics of ADHD and Tourette Syndrome. Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Brain Mechanisms and Life Outcome, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 931:50-83, 2001

441 Comings.,D.E., Gade-Andavolu,R., Gonzalez,N., Wu,S., Muhleman,D., Chen,C., Koh,P., Farwell,K., Blake,H., Dietz,G., MacMurray,J.P., Lesieur,H.R., Rugle,L.J., Rosenthal,R.J. The additive effect of neurotransmitter genes in pathological gambling. Clinical Genetics 60:107-116, 2001

442 Comings, D.E. and MacMurray, J.: Maternal age as a confounding variable in association studies. Am.J. Medical Genetics Neuropsychiatric Genetics 105:565, 2001.


443 Comings, D.E., Sujihan Wu, M. Rostamkhani, McGue, M., Iacono, W., MacMurray,J. Association of the Muscarinic Cholinergic 2 Receptor (CHRM2) Gene With Major Depression in Women. Nueorpsychiatric Genetics 114:527-529, 2002

4445 Comings, D. E., G. Saucier, and J. P. MacMurray. The role of the DRD2 and other dopamine genes in personality traits. In Benjamin, J., R. P. Ebstein, and R. H. Belmaker, eds. Molecular Genetics and Human Personality. American Psychiatric Press. 165-191, 2002.

445 Comings,D.E., Muhleman,D., Johnson,J.P., MacMurray,J.P. Parent-Daughter transmission of the Androgen Receptor (AR) gene as an explanation of the effect of father absence on age of menarche. Child Development. 73:1046-1051, 2002.

446 Bottini,N., MacMurray,J., Peters,W, Rhostamkhani,M., Comings,D.E. Association of the acid phosphatase (ACP1) gene with triglyceride levels in obese women. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 77:226-229, 2002.

447 Bottini, N., MacMurray,J., Rostamkani, M., McGue, M., Iacono, W. G., Comings,D.E. Association between the low molecular weight cytosolic acid phosphatase gene ACP1*A and comorbid features of Tourette syndrome. Neuroscience Letters 330:198-200, 2002.

448 Comings, D.E. New technique for the genetic study of behavioral disorders. J. Child. Neurology 17:528, 2002.

449 MacMurray, J. and Comings, D.E. Associations between the DRD1 gene and anxiety disorders in Tourette syndrome patients: Interactions with maternal age and parity. J.Child. Neurology 17:528-529, 2002.

450 MacMurray, J., Rhostamkani,M., Comings,D.E. Phenlyethanolaminen N-methyltransferase gene and Tourette syndrome. J. Child Neurology 17: 529, 2002.

451 MacMurray, J. and Comings, D.E Association between the DRD2 Taq I polymorphism and obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients with Tourette syndrome: Integration with maternal age and parity.. J. Child Neurology 17: 529-530, 2002.

452 Comings, D.E.: Epistasis in Autism. J. Child Neurology 17:531-532, 2002.

453 MacMurray,J, Madrid,A., Bottini,E.//Muhleman,D.,Comings,D. Evidence of an emerging collision between the fertility transition and genotyhpe dependent fertility differentials. Rodgers,J.L. Kohler,H-P. eds. The Biodemography of Human Reproduction and Fertility Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002.


454 Comings,D.E., Wu,S., Rostamkhani,M., McGue,M.,Burt,A., MacMurray,J.P. Role of the cholinergic muscarinic 2 receptor (CHGRM2) gene in cognition. Molecular Psychiatry 8: 91-13, 2003.

455 MacMurray, J.P., Comings, D.E. The Androgen Gene as an epistatic factor. Am J Med Genet (Neuropsychiatric Genetics 112B: 52, 2003.

456. Comings, D. E. and MacMurray, J. P. Maternal age at the birth of the first child as an epistatic factor in psychiatric genetics. AM J Med Genet (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 122B: 52, 2003

457. Comings,D.E., Rostamkhani, M., Emami,R.. MacMurray, J.P.: Association between the vesicular monamine transporter VMAT and co-morbid symptoms in Tourette’s syndrome patients. Am.J. Med. Genetics (Neurospychiatric Genetics) 122B: 51-52, 2003.

458 Comings, D.E Treatment of Tourette Syndrome. In. Rakel and Bope (eds) Coon's Current Therapy 2003. Elsiver Science (USA) New York, 983-987, 2003.

459 Comings, D.E.: The Real Problem with Association Studies Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychaitric Genetics). 116: 102, 2003.

460 Comings, D.E., Gade-Andavolu, R., Cone,L.A, Muhleman, D. MacMurray, J.P. A Multi-gene Test for the Risk of Sporadic Breast Cancer. Cancer 97: 2160-2170, 2003.

461 Comings, D.E. Behavior Genetics – Human. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature/MacMillian, London, 2003.

462 Comings, D.E.. Polygenic Inheritance. Nature Encyclopedia of the Genome. Nature MacMillian. 2003.

463 Comings,D.E., Gonzalez,N.S., Cheng,Li S-C., MacMurray,J. A "Line Item" approach to the identification of genes involved in polygenic behavioral disorders: The adrenergic a2A (ADRA2A) gene. Am.J.Medical Genetics (Neurospychiatric Genetics) 118B:110-114 2003.

464 Comings, D.E. 22% of preschool children, 8% of primary school students and 3% of adolescents have tics. Evidence Based Mental Health. 6:10, 2003.

465. Peters, W. R., MacMurry, J. P., Walker, J., Giese, R. J., Jr., Comings, D. E. Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase G-148A genetic variant and weight loss in obese women. Obes. Res. 11:415-419, 2003


466 Bottini,N., Musumeci,L., Alonso,A., Rahmouni,S., Nika,K., Rostamkhani,M., MacMurray,J., Pellecchia,M., Eisenbarth,G.S., Comings,D.E., Mustelin,T. A functional variant of lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase is associated with type I diabetes. Nature Genetics 36:337-338, 2004.

467 Gade-Andavolu,R., Comings,D.E., MacMurray,J., Cheng, L. S-C.. Tourtellotte,W.W.. Rosthamkhani,M., Cone,L.A. Association of CCR5 delta32 deletion with early death in multiple sclerosis. Genetics in Medicine 6:126-131, 2004.

468 Gade-Andavolu, R.G., Comings, D.E., MacMurray,J., Vuthoori, R.K., Touretellott, W.W., Nagra, R.M., Cone, L.A.: RANTES: A Genetic risk marker for multiple sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis 10:535-539, 2004

469. Thompson, M.D., Comings, D., Abughazalah, R, Jeresch,Y., Wade, J., Sakurai,T., Tokita, S., Yoshida, T., Tanaka, H., Yanagisawa, M., Burnham,W.M., Moldfsky, H. : Variants of the Orexin2/hcrt2 receptor gene indentifies in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness and patients with Tourette’s syndrome comorbidity. Amer. J. Med. Genetics Part B Neuropsychiatric genetics 129:69-75, 2004.

470 Comings, D.E., Chen, T.J., Blum, K. Blum, S.H.: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A common genetic disorder affecting how our brain functions. Theoretical Biology & Medical Modelling 2:50, (December 23), 2005.

471 Chen TJ, Blum K, Mathews D, Fisher L, Schnautz N, Braverman ER, Schoolfield J, Downs BW, Comings DE.: Are dopaminergic genes involved in a predisposition to pathological aggression? Hypothesizing the importance of "super normal controls" in psychiatricgenetic research of complex behavioral disorders. Med. Hypothesis 65:703-707, 2005

472. Olin D, MacMurray J, Comings DE.: Risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease associated with BDNF C270T polymorphism. Neurosci Lett. 2005 Jun 24;381(3):275-8.

473. Comings, D.E. Thomas JH Chen, Kenneth Blum, Julie F Mengucci, Seth H Blum, Brian Meshkin. Neurogenetic interactions and aberrant behavioral co-morbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): dispelling myths. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling. W:50 (23 December), 2005.


474. Blum, Ken, Ph.D. Thomas JK Chen, Ph.D. Seth H. Blum, B.A., David E Comings, M.D, Julie F. Foster R.N. Brian Meshkin, B.Sc, Bernard W. Downs B.BA, Eric R. Braverman, M.D. Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Neurogenetic aspects of aging and related behavioral disorders specific to dopaminergic pathways. In Klatz, R. and Goldman, R. Anti-Aging Therapetics. Volume VIII. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. A4M Publications. Chicago, Il. 9-26, 2006.

475. Comings, D.E. MacMurray, J.M. Maternal age at the birth of the first child as an epistatic factor in polygenic disorders. Am.J. Med. Genetics B Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 141B 1-6, 2006

476. Comings, D.E. Genetics of Pathological Gambling and Substance Use Disorders. Meeting of the
European Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology. Paris, Sept 16-20, 2006, abstract in: European Neuropsychopharmacology 16 Supplement 4, 2006 pS181.


477. Thomas JH Chen, Kenneth Blum, Gilbert Kats, Eric R. Braverman, Arthur Eisenberg, Mark Sherman, Katharine Davis, David E. Comings, Robert Wood, Dennis Pullin, Vanessa Arcuri, Michael Varshavski, Julie F Mengucci, Seth H. Blum, Bernard W. Downs, Brian Meshkin, Roger L.,Waite, Lonna Willoiams, John Schoolfield, Lisa White. Chromium Picolinate (CrP) a putative anti-obesity nutrient induces changes in body composition as a function of the Taq1 dopamine D2 receptor polymorphisms in a randomized double-blind placebo controlled study. Gene Ther Mol. Biol. 11:161-170, 2007


478. Comings, D.E. Did Man Create God? 2008. Hope Press, Duarte, CA

479. Blum, K. A. Chen, L-H, Braverman, E.R., Comings, D.E., Chen, T.J.H., Arcuri, V.,
Blum, S.H., Meshkin, B.,,Downs, B.W., Waite, R.L., Notaro, A., Lubar, J., Williams, L., Prihoda, T.J., Palomo, T., Oscar-Berman, M. Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and Reward Deficiency Syndrome. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 4:(5) 893-917, 2008.

480. Blum, K, Lih, A, Chen, C, Tung, H, Braverman, E, Chen, TJH,
Blum, SH, Cassel, K, Downs, BW, Waite, RL, Williams, L, Prihoda, TJ, Kerner, M, Palomo,T, Comings, DE, Oscar-Berman, M. Activation Instead of Blocking Mesolimbic Dopaminergic Reward Circuitry Is A Preferred Modality In The Long Term Treatment of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) – A Commentary. Theoretical Biology & Medical Modeling 5(1):24 2008 (epub)

481. Chen, ALC, Blum, K, Chen, TJH, Rhinking, J, Waite, RL, Downs, BW, Braverman, ER, Arcuri, V, Kerner, M, Notaro, A, Cassek, K, Blum,SH, Bagchi, D, Bagchi, M, Robarge, A, Kaats, G, Comings, DE. The impact of biomics technology and DNA directed anti-obesity targeting of the brain reward circuitry. Gene Ther Mol Biol 12: 45-68, 2008.


482. Blum, K, Thomas JH Chen, TJH, Chen, ALH, B. William Downs, W, Roger L. Waite, RL, Reinking, J, Mallory Kerner, M, Braverman, D, DiNubile, N, Rhoades, P, Eric R. Braverman, ER, Blum, SH, Marlene Oscar-Berman M, Abdalla, B, Comings, DE. Genes and Happiness. Gene Ther Mol Biol 13:82-120, 2009 2009.

483. Andevlu-Gade, R,, MacMurray, J., Comings, D.E., Calati, R., Chiesa, A. Serreti, A.: The association between the estrogen receptor TA polymorphism and harm avoidance. Neuroscience Letters 467:155-158, 2009

484. Fukumoto N, Fujii T, Combarros O, Kamboh MI, Tsai SJ, Matsushita S, Nacmias B, Comings DE, Arboleda H, Ingelsson M, Hyman BT, Akatsu H, Grupe A, Nishimura AL, Zatz M, Mattila KM, Rinne J, Goto Y, Asada T, Nakamura S, Kunugi H. Sexually dimorphic effect of the Val66Met polymorphism of BDNF on susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease: New data and meta-analysis. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2010 Jan 5;153B(1):235-42.

485. Comings, D.E. The Neurobiology, Genetics and Evolution of Human Spirituality The Central Role of the Temporal Lobes. Theme Issue: Experimental NeuroTheology. Neurobiology of human spirituality. NeuroQuantology | December 2010 | Vol 8:4, 478‐494.


486 Daniela Galimberti, James MacMurray, Diego Scalabrinia, Chiara Fenoglio,
Milena De Riz, Cristoforo Comi, David Comings, Francesca Cortini, Chiara Villa, Maria Serpente, Claudia Cantoni, Elisa Ridolfi, Maurizio Leone, Francesco Monaco, Nereo Bresolin, Elio Scarpini. GSK-3 genetic variability in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Jun 15;497(1):46-8. Epub 2011 Apr 17.

487 Kenneth Blum, Amanda LC Chen, Marlene Oscar-Berman, Thomas JH Chen, Joel Lubar5, Nancy White, Judith Lubar, Abdalla Bowirrat8, Eric Braverman, John Schoolfield, Roger L Waite, Bernard W Downs, Margaret Madigan, David E Comings, Caroline Davis, Mallory M Kerner, Jennifer Knopf, Tomas Palomo, John J. Giordano, Siobhan A. Morse, Frank Fornar, Debmalya Barh, John Femino, Eric Stice, and John A Bailey. Generational Association Studies of Dopaminergic Genes in Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) Subjects: Selecting Appropriate Phenotypes for Reward Dependence Behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2011 Dec;8(12):4425-59. Epub 2011 Nov 29.


488 Comings, David E., James P. MacMurray/ Maternal age as
potential explanation of the role of the L allele of the serotonin transporter gene in anxiety and depression in Asians. Neurosci. Bull April, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s12264-014-1433-9.

489 Signorelli, M., R. Calati, J. McMurray, D. Comings, E. Aguglia, A. Serretti (2014) EPA-1307 - Associations between genetic polymorphisms and personality traits in healthy subjects. European Psychiatry 29:S1 Issue S1: Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78529-3

490 Napolioni, V. Damian Murray, James MacMurray, David Comings, Warren Peters, Radhika Gade-Andavolu (2014) Interaction between infectious diseases and personality traits: ACP1*C as a potential mediator. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 26:267-273

491 Comings, David E., James P. MacMurray/ Maternal age as potential explanation of the role of the L allele of the serotonin transporter gene in anxiety and depression in Asians. Neurosci. Bull April, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s12264-014-1433-9.

492 Signorelli, M., R. Calati, J. McMurray, D. Comings, E. Aguglia, A. Serretti (2014) EPA-1307 - Associations between genetic polymorphisms and personality traits in healthy subjects. European Psychiatry 29:S1 Issue S1: Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78529-3

493 Napolioni, V. Damian Murray, James MacMurray, David Comings, Warren Peters, Radhika Gade-Andavolu (2014) Interaction between infectious diseases and personality traits: ACP1*C as a potential mediator. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 26:267-273

494 Blum, K. …..Comings, DE…..: Genetic addiction risk score (GARS®) predicts the Addiction Severity Index Multimedia Version (ASI-5 MV) –alcohol and drug severity scores in a multi-6 centered study. Plosone Medicine (in press) 2019.


Comings, D.E. , MacMurray, J., Cone, L.A. and Gade-Andavolu, R. (2004). Methods of Predicting Survival Rate in Patients having Multiple Sclerosis. U.S. Patent Application Publication. Pub. No. US 2004/0091915.


, D., Kovacs, B.  MacMurry, J. (2005). Treatment of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder with 5-aminoalkyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-4-oxyindolone. United States Patent No. US 6,897,212 B2.

Book Reviews in Am. J. Human Genetics
Comings, D.E. (1971) Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy: Biological Applications. Vol.   1. By M. A. Hayat. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1970. Pp. xv + 412. $19.50.
Comings, D.E. (1979) Tuberous Sclerosis by M. R. Gomez. New York: Raven Press, Pp 246.
Comings, D.E. (1979) The genetics of hand malformations. S A TemtamyV A McKusick  Birth Defects Orig. Artic Ser. 1978;14(3):i-xviii, 1-619.

Comings, D.E (1978) The integrated mind Michael S. Gazzaniga and Joseph E. Ledoux. New York:        Plenum Press, 1978. Pp 168. $15.95.
Comings, D. E. (1979) Congenital and acquired cognitive disorders. Research Publications: Association   for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. Volume 57. Edited by R. Katzman. New York:    Raven Press, 1978. Pp 326. $25.00.

Comings, D.E. (1980) Clinical Genetics. A Source Book for Physicians. Edited by L. G. Jackson and R. N. Schimke. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp 652. $35.00.
Comings, D.E. (1980) Genes and the Mind: Inheritance of Mental Illness. By M. X. T. Tsung and R. Vandermey NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp. 143. $12.95.
Comings, D.E. (1982) Genetics of the Brain. Edited by I. Lieblich. New York, Elsevier Biomedical Press, 1982. Pp. 492. $140.50.
Comings, D.E. (1982) Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, 5th ed. Edited by J. B. Stanbury, J. B.   Wyngaarden, D. S. Fredrickson, J. L. Goldstein, And M. S. Brown. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982. Pp. 2032. $95.00.
Comings, D.E. (1983) Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics. Edited by A. E. H. Emery and D. L. Rimoin. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1983. $150.
Comings, D.E. (1983) Genetic Aspects of Speech and Language Disorders. Edited by C. L. Ludlow and J. A. Cooper. New York: Academic Press, 1983. Pp. 221.

Comings, D.E. (1984) Color atlas of clinical genetics. By M. Baraister And R. Winter. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Sheridan House, Inc., 1983. $79.50 (clothbound).
Comings, D.E. (1984) An Introduction to Recombinant DNA. By A. E. H. Emery Chichester, England:     John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1984. Pp. 223. $17.95.
Comings, D.E. (1985) Minds Made Feeble: The Myth and Legacy of the Kallikaks. By D. Smith. Rockville, Md.: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1985. $24.14.
Comings, D.E. (1986) Planning for a Healthy Baby: A Guide to Genetic and Environmental Risks. By      R. M. Goodman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 269. $16.95.

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