5. Other Funding Options
This is a list of other non-profits supporting a range of methods of combating climate change as documented in Drawdown, 2017. The following are some of the Drawdown solutions and organizations that are most likely to benefit from support by the Comings Foundation.
Project Drawdown is the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. They gathered a qualified and diverse group of researchers from around the world to identify, research, and model the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change. What was uncovered is a path forward that can roll back global greenhouse gas emissions within thirty years. The research revealed that humanity has the means and techniques at hand. Nothing new needs to be invented, yet many more solutions are coming due to purposeful human ingenuity. The solutions modeled are in place and in action. Humanity’s task is to accelerate the knowledge and growth of what is possible, as soon as possible. Drawdown Penguin Random House, 2017.
North American Sustainable Refrigeration Council (NASRC)
In the book Drawndown, of the 100 approaches to combating climate changes refrigerants is listed #1. The hydrofluorocarbons currently used in refrigeration have a 1,000 to 9,000 times greater greenhouse effect compared to CO2.
The NASRC is an action-oriented nonprofit dedicated to advancing natural refrigerants to create a more sustainable, climate-friendly future for supermarket refrigeration. Natural refrigerants have orders of magnitude less impact on the climate than traditional fluorocarbon refrigerants and are considered the "future-proof" refrigerant options for supermarkets.
However, there are many unique challenges that are slowing the progress of natural refrigerants such as codes and standards, availability of trained contractors and service technicians, utilities and energy efficiency, and return on investment.
NASRC is focused specifically on tackling the unique set of challenges natural refrigerants face in North American markets to make them an attractive option for supermarkets. NASRC is committed to bringing together experts including engineers, end-users, consultants, contractors and service technicians, and manufacturers, among others to contribute to progress groups that are tackling each issue area.
Shecco has more than 15 years of expertise in offering innovative, effective and flexible solutions to bring natural refrigerant-based solutions faster to market. Shecco is a global market accelerator helping its partners in the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration sectors bring their innovative solutions faster to the market. We specialize in integrated services and products to advance the use of the five natural refrigerants carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3), hydrocarbons (HC), water and air. Our portfolio comprises activities in three areas: media, events and market development.
Over the last 15 years we have built a global network around the HVAC&R industry with more than 50,000 individuals being reached in the end-use and supplying industry, as well as the academic, regulatory or non-profit sectorToday, the shecco group works with more than 150 partners across multiple continents, among them leading consumer goods and white good brands, food retailers and producers, non-food manufacturers or transport operators, in addition to the entire value chain in the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) sectors.
The Wind Solar Alliance (WSA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the transition to renewable energy as a means of strengthening the U.S. economy and reducing the environmental impacts of our energy use. WSA uses research, communications, and advocacy to raise awareness of the benefits of renewable energy and the need for energy and infrastructure policies that recognize and reward those benefits.
The Solar Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing the use of solar and solar-compatible technologies worldwide. We believe that increasing access to this clean, abundant, reliable, and affordable energy source will lift up people’s lives and bring about a prosperous future for all. We combine decades of experience with an entrepreneurial outlook and a focus on getting things done. While we firmly believe that solar is an integral part of our energy future, The Solar Foundation has no industry affiliation. With our reputation for impartiality and rigorous analysis, we are on the front lines of the change toward a bright solar future.
Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is a tax-exempt, non-profit, educational association (501(c)(3). Formed in 1970, the Council was incorporated in the state of Washington in 1972, and in California in 1981. With members in more than 20 countries, the Council actively seeks to expand its role as the primary geothermal educational association throughout the world. The goals of the Council are to encourage the development of geothermal resources worldwide.
Clean Cooking Alliance is a network of global partners working to create a thriving global market for cleaner, more modern household cooking solutions. Globally, three billion people cook over polluting, open fires that burns heavily-polluting, inefficient fuels like wood, charcoal, coal, and kerosene. Cooking this way causes serious health and environmental impacts, disproportionally affecting the lives and livelihoods of women and children. As a leading cause of air pollution, polluting and inefficient cooking methods contribute to the preventable death of nearly 4 million people each year and sicken millions more. Yet, clean cooking solutions exist that can dramatically reduce exposure to harmful cookstove smoke and lessen climate and environmental impacts.
Global Agriculture - System of Rice Intensification
Rice is a staple food for over three billion people worldwide. Currently rice growing accounts for 10 percent of both atmospheric CO2 and methane. In the early 1980s, Henri de Laulaniéa a French Jesuit priest and agronomist came up with the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) - a system that requires less input but achieves greater output. SRI breaks with all established rules of wet rice cultivation. Firstly, the seedlings are transplanted at the two-leaf stage (between 8 and 12 days old) instead of waiting for one month. Secondly, the single seedlings are planted with an increased spacing of around 25 cm rather than planting them close together in bunches. With this method, seedlings do not compete for nutrients, space and sun, and develop stronger roots and more tillers. Thirdly, instead of continuously flooding fields to prevent weed growth, plants only receive the ideal amount of water and the soil is temporarily kept dry. This favors soil microbial development and reduces CO2 and methane emissions. Since weed has to be controlled manually using a mechanical hand tool, the soil is well aerated, thereby improving plant growth. Finally, organic manure and compost is used for fertilization. Thanks to SRI, farmers in Madagascar were able to increase their yields from an average of two tons of rice per hectare to eight tons, with only one tenth of the amount of seeds required. SRI is spreading rapidly: Hundreds of studies have been published. Innovative farmers have extended the principles to other crops such as maize, finger millet, mustard and eggplant, achieving stronger plants and higher yields. Implementing SRI requires no additional funds and actually saves farmers money.
Nature Conservancy and Silvopasture
Silvopasture (Latin, silva forest) is the practice of integrating trees, forage, and the grazing of domesticated animals in a mutually beneficial way. Properly-managed silvopasture can increase overall productivity and long-term income due to the simultaneous production of tree crops, forage, and livestock, and can provide environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration and decreased production of methane by cattle. Silvopasture can be established by planting trees into existing pasture or by establishing pasture in existing woodland. Since converting treeless pastureland into Silvopasture is initially expensive, framers may need loans to accomplish it. Nature Conservancy supplies those loans.
The Population Institute
The 2014 IPCC report included, for the first time, access to reproductive health services and its effect on population control as an important factor in climate control. Since the more education women have the fewer children they have, the Drawdown report listed the Education of Girls and and Family Planning as the 6th and 7th (out of 100) most important approaches toward climate control, producing an estimated 60 gigatons of CO2 reduced by 2050. The Population Institute is an international non-profit that educates policymakers and the public about population, and seeks to promote universal access to family planning information, education, and services. Through voluntary family planning, they strive to achieve a world population in balance with a healthy global environment and resource base.
Oscilla Power
Oscilla Power is developing a low cost wave energy converter to unlock the tremendous renewable energy potential of the world’s oceans. Wave energy is generally considered to be the most concentrated and least variable form of renewable energy. It is the high power density of wave energy that suggests it has the capacity to become the lowest cost renewable energy source. The World Energy Council has estimated that approximately 2 terawatts (2 million megawatts), about double current world electricity production, could be produced from the oceans via wave power. Oscilla Power’s Triton wave energy converter(WEC) is a two-body point absorber with four key advantages over other WECs.Triton will use low-displacement solutions, such as the magnetostrictive generators developed by Oscilla Power for use in wave energy conversion, to deliver high efficiency energy conversion with unparalleled reliability. Enabled by its incorporation of of flexible tethers and an asymmetric heave plate, Triton uniquely captures energy from heave, surge and roll motions, leading to a wide-band response.
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